Rosie, thanks for the tips. I use 3 large towels with a fan blasting full speed just next to coby. I'll go check out the grooming towels when I next go to the pet store. I'm thinking of getting a pet hair dryer too as recommended by bbrown and also look for the actual furminator as described by ski-patroller. Oh coby has lots of supplements - fish oil, vit e,coconut oil, glucosamine and chondroitin, B50,coq10. We're spending lots on his health. His vet bills in the last month alone was more than mine in the past 5 years (I thot he had bloat/gdv as he was panting so vigorously in the middle of the night. Thank God it turned out to be only gas and diarrhoea from sth he ate but the emergency treatment cost a bomb). He's constantly scaring me with one thing or another Actually his fur grew more 'luxurious' after I started him on coconut oil. ..hmm maybe I should cut down on that. .. Thanks for your concern and tips Rosie Jin (mum to Coby )