Oh Mags,sounds like you went quite a big bang ,you ok now you are home?I tell you what,that's commitment ,taking a tumble to check on Twiglet's steadiness! Above and beyond! ...sounds like she did a great job of staying calm when there must have been a fair bit of action around you.Glad people stopped to help...even though sometimes that makes you feel more self conscious .... Hope the bruises aren't too big x
Thank you, I am keeping my knees moving to stop them seizing up, but we are both fine. I'm pleased - I must have good bones not to have broken anything! (My Mum had osteoporosis and broke bones very easily) Twiglet was a total star! She was fine as soon as we walked on and is snoozing happily now.
Hope you're not too sore. I would take it as a positive that Twiglet was unruffled by the crowd of people suddenly surrounding you.
Hope you're recovering from the shock of the fall and the fall itself. Sounds as if Twiglet was very well behaved and I think a woof at the other dog was a well timed telling off on your behalf. Beautiful photo of the girls together enjoying the sun. Twiglet is definitely a big girl, she looks much the same size as Tatze already.
Poor you Mags. I do hope you don't feel too bad tomorrow. sounds like Twiglet did a good job looking out for you.
Gosh poor you! just catching up. Hope you aren't too sore tomorrow. Just beautiful photo of Twiglet and Tatze together xx
Thanks everyone - my knees are still bruised, but not sore at all Twiglet has been the same as always with other dogs, we even followed at dog which looks just like the offender and she didn't react at all, so I am relieved. We went for a free run today, I know Twiglet loves fox poo but she will come away even as she begins to roll. But today I wasn't concentrating, looked back and she was in fox poo heaven! Bleugh!! All clean now after a good hosing and a thorough rubbing down with Cowboy Magic
It really is amazing how quickly they grow up, isn't it? She's a lovely girl and that's a very neat sit, despite the fox poo
I know she was covered in fox poo but I think that first photo is lovely .....her colouring is gorgeous against the carpet of leaves and all their autumn shades.
What's that puppy doing on the roof? Twiglet woofing at her reflection in the skylight http://vid1106.photobucket.com/albums/h371/BoogiesAlbum/Twiglet 6-11-15.mp4