Hello, Our pup is 11 months and currently intact. We are having him neutered in a couple of weeks. Recently he’s started to whine quite a bit fir no reason. He’s healthy, fed, been given lots of exercise and play and is a happy thing in all other ways. Is this a normal sign of bitches being in season? I try to calm him but he can then start barking a bit before finally calming down and falling asleep. Any advice greatly received
It is unlikely to have anything to do with him being intact or not being intact. I think we'd need to know more about his daily life, what he does, when this is occurring, what has just happened before and is about to happen in his daily routine and much more. Have you researched the drawbacks to castration? There are many behavioural and physical consequences, and the drawbacks far outweigh the advantages IMO: http://www.naiaonline.org/pdfs/Long...bJii6m5cdKEEoyOERz0e6SRqgXLSV95pKi1Dr-m5Bj1cE http://www.caninesports.com/uploads...sPm6esc34bH2BzJYbOipnbs8r6HWtnMx8-3fj7Q8FqYZc http://www.akcchf.org/news-events/n...8wf7vB7LtY41OhOdw_dtnxWwUz5hYbBfwX2qbI_jsnjvI