Unexplained pain "episodes", nothing on MRI or previous bloodwork.

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Mithryl, Mar 6, 2021.

  1. Mithryl

    Mithryl Registered Users

    Mar 6, 2021
    Hello. My girl Ruger is a field style lab, she is 82 lbs and is currently 9 years old. Aside from some allergy issues she has generally been pretty healthy. She sees the vet regularly and he always says she's in great shape, and she gets high quality food. We found out last year she has spondylosis and it was noted that there may be a neuro issue since she didn't respond as quickly as she should and dragged her paws some. We originally neglected an MRI and instead got her a vet that also does therapy (PT, laser therapy, and acupuncture). According to her, Rugers issues are very slight so its mostly just PT.

    Back in December one day we noticed she just seemed off, we'd pet her back and shed get twitchy, as the day went on she got restless, was pacing, ended up hiding in the bathroom shivering terribly and vomited once. We ended up taking her to the ER and she got fluids, xrays, and blood testing. There was nothing noted on any of it and they chalked it up to abdominal pain. We kept her on gabapentin a couple days, the therapy vet came and she was already back to normal by then. Almost a month later the exact thing happened and she recovered just as fast. The following week we got her MRI done and they found absolutely nothing, including nothing to explain the previous "neuro issues". The following week it happened again. Over this time we stopped all human food, usually we will give her fruit or veggies here and there in small amounts, never anything unhealthy and there was never any correlation with these episodes but we stopped anyway.

    We have had a few other episodes since these but I seem to notice right away and give a gabapentin so they haven't gotten as severe. Her regular vet has no idea, her therapy vet has no idea and everytime she sees her thinks she is above average shape and mobility for her age. She is currently having a bad day today which is why I am here.

    Does anyone have any ideas what this might be? Has anyone here had similar experiences?

    She doesn't get into stuff in the house, she doesn't gorge herself when she eats, when she's outside we watch her so we would see if she ate something. I'm stressed out and worried about her and have no idea what to do next. The only other thing the therapy vet recommended is possibly testing for Addisons and the regular vet is just... not taking it very seriously. She gets joint chews daily, as well as apoquel and carprofen. But has been getting those for years. I can't find any explanation for it, no similarities, I'm at a loss. I've stopped her therapy and any exercise because I'm afraid of causing pain but I also don't want her to decline because of it.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Mithryl & Ruger, welcome to the forum :)

    I'm afraid I don't have any experience to share, but it must be very worrying for you - I hope you find answers soon.
  3. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Sorry you find yourself on this site for health issues.
    Just out of interest why is she on Apoquel long term and is she monitored for that?

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