Ununited anconeal process (UAP) - Post Op Help

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Lorraine Seale, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. Lorraine Seale

    Lorraine Seale Registered Users

    Feb 13, 2018
    The Hague, The Netherlands
    Due to UAP, Hunter is now recovering from 2 elbow ops. We were on restricted exercise, but are now slowly building up as he needs the muscle in his back legs to get stronger. Does anybody here have experience with sonic or Infra Red therapy? We are also using golden paste which has seemed to reduce the swelling quite significantly. (I know this is another interesting topic....but it seems to help my choco baby). I did learn the hard way to know the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon measurement! Luckily I have invested in strong poop bags!
    Our other issue is now we have an over-enthusiastic 9 month lab who loves meeting other dogs and people. The socialization skills have to start all over again....except he now weighs 27kg and people cross the road when they see him!!
    Any help or suggestions would be great!
    I also just needed to whine as Hunter is dying to do a zoomie and I have just love him to pieces and want him to have a good quality life!
  2. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    Hi @Lorraine Seale, I don't have any experience of sonic or infra red therapies although I do have a friend whose Lab is currently having laser treatment for a knee problem. They've had six or seven sessions and hasn't noticed any significant improvement. Her therapist is now suggesting that the next course of treatment should be 10 sessions over 2 weeks to see if that makes a difference.
    If you need to build muscle working on a water treadmill is probably the best therapy. I've recently changed therapy centres and Jen now has a session on the treadmill every week and the difference has been really noticeable and she's only had 3 proper sessions (the first was history etc etc and a few minutes on the treadmill as an introduction). Is that something you could investigate?
    Ah, the re-socialisation of a 9 month old. I would focus on Hunter giving attention to you and rewarding heavily for all the focus. You may need to take him to one side when someone approaches to help him stay under threshold, ask for attention and keep feeding him rewards for every look and engagement with you. When the person or dog has passed stop rewarding. Chicken usually works well and they usually quickly learn that a person or dog signals chicken :)
    Lorraine Seale likes this.
  3. Lorraine Seale

    Lorraine Seale Registered Users

    Feb 13, 2018
    The Hague, The Netherlands
    Thanks for the info @Jojo83. Hunter is going to have shock wave therapy next week! We found a vet that specializes in re-validation and pain therapy. She was very informative and said we have to find out what therapy works best for Hunter. We were also worried about his hips. Luckily they appear to be OK but his muscles from his back to hips are "frozen" so we have physio exercises at home to help him. They also have a treadmill so I will ask about it at during his shock wave therapy.
    Thanks for the chicken reward tip. I started that this morning, using dry fish skin!
    I will let you know how he reacts to the shock therapy.
  4. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    I'll be interested to hear how the shock therapy goes :) .
    Luckily I have no concerns about Jen's hips but our therapists are working on building her hind legs and improving her gait, to help protect her knees, which is where the treadmill is so brilliant. Her gait is improving week on week and she now has greater extension in her front legs. Although she's currently on no medication apart from her glucosamine supplement and salmon oil she is so bright and happy, more than normal, which I can only put down to the impact of the water treadmill.
    I use chicken (lots of it) with clients or hotdogs are good as well, sometimes tiny cubes of parmesan cheese and with the occasional dog fish treats. It really depends upon what your dog sees as high value :) and keep it just for those circumstances of greatest need :)
  5. Lorraine Seale

    Lorraine Seale Registered Users

    Feb 13, 2018
    The Hague, The Netherlands
    Today I was at the specialist as Hunter started limping very badly over the weekend. They are now worried about his back right knee. Tomorrow another x-ray and maybe an operation.......depending on the assessment. I am devastated as he is in a lot of pain. He is only 10 months and we thought the worse was over with elbow and now this. I really am at a loss......heartbroken...
  6. Jojo83

    Jojo83 Registered Users

    Feb 11, 2017
    Oh @Lorraine Seale I'm so, so sorry to hear your news. Poor Hunter, and poor you. Everything crossed that it's not as bad as anticipated xx
  7. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    I am so sorry @Lorraine Seale, it must be devastating news for you, I do hope that it isn't as bad as you fear, and if it is, I am sure it can be mended. I do appreciate though how difficult and upsetting it is for you.
    Lorraine Seale likes this.
  8. Lorraine Seale

    Lorraine Seale Registered Users

    Feb 13, 2018
    The Hague, The Netherlands
    We did get good news last night! A very badly sprained knee. However she is concerned that his left elbow is still not healing as expected and has concerns about his hips too. So for now pain killers, supplements and physio..... I am utterly drained from yesterday and as a family we have agreed that Hunter will not have any more major surgery. On the up side he is in a very naughty mood today and his wiggle bum is back!! Thanks again for the message.
  9. Lorraine Seale

    Lorraine Seale Registered Users

    Feb 13, 2018
    The Hague, The Netherlands
    The most annoying thing is that his injury was caused by a retractable lead from another dog! We know Hunter is still too enthusiastic with other dogs and people and we are very careful(maybe borderline crazy careful to other dogowners!!) but the little dog just kept running round and round Hunter and the cord just got tighter round his leg.
  10. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    What a horrible time you've had. :( I hope poor Hunter is soon on the mend.
    Lorraine Seale likes this.

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