Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball Hehe, what a cutie. It definitely looks like she's going to be a shaggy dog. Hopefully not too much of a shedder with all that fur!
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball Soooo lovely. I have had 3 Newfies and would say at the moment she is very Newfie looking. How lucky are you? Enjoy her Emma
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball Thanks. He called me to see if I still wanted her or if I wanted to come look again since she is longer haired and he didn't know if I'd want a long haired one he sent me the pictures I think I'll still get her. I keep saying i hope she looks most like a lab since shes a mix but Newfoundlands are so cute wouldn't be upset if she resembles one.
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball He thinks she looks like a Maltese lol what do you think. She is a mix he was thinking boxer mix but now all of a sudden 2 of the 8 puppies fur got fluffier and longer then the others so now wonder if it was boxer after all. I want one that's gonna be size of a lab and have personality of a lab what do you think.
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball here is one of the other puppies with normal fur length for comparison
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball It's impossible to tell how they will turn out without knowing who Dad was, even what breed.... and even if you knew the breed, you'd just be guessing when coming to temperament. It's possible for a littler of puppies to be from different dads, too - could more than one dog have got into the yard and covered the mum while she was in season? If that's possible, then the littler may be a complete mix of breeds - maybe the short haired ones are Lab x boxer and the long haired ones are Lab x something else!
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball The father in unplanned litters can be a bit difficult to identify, and as Fiona says there needn't be just one father! Choice really is whether you'd prefer short haired or long haired for your pup. Long haired is potentially more grooming. Both pups are real cuties but personally the long haired pup is a winner for me ;D
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball if there was more then one father would they all look the same till about 4 weeks of age till they start getting longer fur? also he says she is the biggest and fattest so you wouldnt think shed be smaller as an adult then the rest of the litter? the mom is full blood yellow lab but i think he said before they told him she might have some golden retriever in her could that be where she gets her long hair? I think she reminds me of a newfoundland puppy lol dont think she really looks like maltese do yOU?
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball I wouldn't have said Maltese, no. Puppies all look very similar when they're newborn, to be honest. I think it's very hard to tell one breed from another until they get a bit older, so it's quite possible that the different parentage (if there is any) would only start showing nowish. If the mum has GR in her, then she's not full-blood Lab, and this could be where the long hair comes from, maybe (I don't know enough about the genetics to say for sure, though). Again, size of puppies varies and it's not a definite indicator of how they'll end up. She could simply be the pushiest at mealtimes!
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball well there are 2 of them that look the same her and another one and they both are bigger and fatter then the others the fur looked the same till about 4 weeks.
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball They all look like they are growing well, which is great The mother is definitely carrying the gene for long fur, so this means she is not a pure Lab. If she had some Golden Retriever in her then that would definitely explain it. I think Boxer is a possibility as the Dad, given the markings on some of them - but he wouldn't have been pure Boxer either as he was also carrying the long coat gene. I like the long fur puppy but she's your dog so you should choose the one you like the best
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball I had a golden retriever mixed with a black lab as a dog when I was growing up and she was lovely. She favoured a golden retriever in looks but was black, and had that long hair. I would say think about what type of hair you would like - long hair can be a bit more high profile when they shed, but I do really like fluffy dogs. When I got Maisie, who was my first "short hair" dog, the other dogs in my life (mix breed ultra fluffy dog, golden retriever, shih tzus) all looked SUPER FLUFFYYYYY compared to her. But she grew her adult coat which has more "fuzzes" which I think is very cute so the difference is less now. It seems like you feel a bit of a connection with her already. How long do you have to decide if you're switching to one of the others?
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball I want one thats gonna look like a lab or golden retriever there's some adorable black lab golden retriever mixes I just wish I knew if she's gonna look like that or really resemble a lab not a small scruffy mop looking dog. Though I dont think shell be small do you?