Hi, Molly is 16 weeks and I've noticed this afternoon she has a yellowish discharge, she seems fine and it's not bothering her at all. Is it a vet trip? Thanks
I would take her straight to the vet personally. Could be nothing, and probably just a mild case of vaginitis. Best to get a vet to take a look in case it is an infection which may need treatment.
Might be worth getting a urine sample from her to take with you. If it is vaginitis it can often be associated with a UTI. Jura's had it several times as she's prone to UTI's, never seems to bother her and clears up quickly with treatment.
Thanks, I'll take her asap. Any tips for getting a urine sample? Squat behind her with a jar I'm guessing!
I use a very shallow Tupperware dish that I sterilise first. As she squats down I slip it underneath her. I do transfer it to a urine sample jar as Jura can get a little bouncy At the vets and I'd hate to end up wearing her sample
Vet took a swab and started on antibiotics, I took a wee sample in as well but he thinks it's a more localised infection. Will see what the swab shows. She's fine in herself luckily.
I got prepared with a tupperware pot first thing in the morning when I knew she would need a nice big wee, was easier than I anticipated. Have learned that tupperware pots leak though....!
How is she doing now? You did great getting the sample ,where did the leak occur? I use the foil dishes...easy with a boy just to 'catch' but I was minding my friends Flattie once and the dish upset her when I tried to slide it under so a foil tray worked and that required a degree of balance from me .....
Working as a nurse for 25 years I've done worse things than collect dog wee! It did put her off a bit when I put the dish under her but got plenty. I put the tub in a sandwich bag to store in the fridge and transport to vets so luckily the leakage was contained!
Ps she seems fine thanks, not noticed any discharge today. Antibiotics have given her a very smelly bum though.....
Glad Molly is okay, Mabel had something similar at 20 weeks after we went to the beach for a week. She did have a habit of sitting in the sea!! The things some puppies can pick up.