Hello, Picking up our new puppy soon and just wondering where people think the best (i.e. cheapest!) place is to buy Vet Bed? After about 3m and also is it best to stick to Petlife? Many Thanks Paul
I know a few others here have gotten good deals on vet bed from eBay. Personally I bought mine at Crufts! I have three peices now. If you can get it I highly recommend the stuff with a non slip backing. I used to use it in Penny's crate but since we decrated her I now use it as non slip mats on the kitchen floor! It's great stuff!
Hi and welcome to the forum Have you named your pup yet? When are you getting him/her? I usually buy it from ebay as is cheaper. I also get the non slip.
I bought my last piece of non-slip from here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261387578...49&var=560302958723&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
I bought mine from profleece: https://www.profleece.com/Home Worked great with 6 pups - washes easily, dries quickly is non-slip & quite teeth-resistant
Hello again, Thank you for the welcomes! We are very excited now, we have a short list of 3 names now, we haven't been able to decide on a final one yet! I think we might end up deciding on the drive up when we pick her up. Thank you for the recommendations, prices do seem to vary quite a lot, so thanks for the tips. What are your thoughts regarding sleeping through the night? Are toilet visits required in the early hours? I seem to be hearing completely different things, some say no, they will sleep through to others that say toilet breaks are definitely required. Thanks again
It depends a lot on the puppy, but it would be very unusual to have an 8-week old puppy who could go all through the night without the toilet. I would recommend getting a copy of The Happy Puppy Handbook, which loads of us on this forum have found to be a great resource both before and after getting our puppies. I used the method described in there. Basically, set your alarm for every 2.5 hours the first night for toilet breaks. Every night, increase this by 15 minutes. If she wakes and needs to go out before that, drop it by 15 minutes again. You're getting up a lot to start off with, but you very quickly end up with only one alarm a night, and then eventually none. You really don't want to try to push it and force your puppy to toilet in their crate, because they may then get in the habit of using it as a toilet and training then becomes a lot more difficult.