Victory with crate training! Finally!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by b&blabs, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. b&blabs

    b&blabs Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2016
    Bessie's just about 16 weeks old. I never thought she'd stop howling in her crate. But the past few days, she's been doing really well! She still has some light stress whining and occasional howling/barking, especially if it's not a sleepy time for her and if I leave the room or the house. But she's mostly quiet in there.

    This is huge for me. I'm managing her, a 7yo dog, and my 16yo autistic son, alone, and sometimes I need her not to be underfoot and cannot supervise her. And my 7yo dog has been missing his hour-long walks with me. We finally went on one yesterday while she took a nap in the crate.

    I'm not sure why it took so long or what the difference was. I did click for quiet from the start but could barely get a second of quiet. And I think I avoided putting her in there because of the crying, and probably built up time too quickly (or just had to put her in there to, say, shower, and she had to howl through it).

    I did not ever have her sleep in the crate because my bedroom is too small to have a crate next to the bed (or anywhere, it basically barely fits my bed). So she's always slept on the bed with me, and for a while I'd just get up multiple times and take her out, but within about 2 weeks, she was sleeping from 11pm to 7am and when I heard her get down off the bed, I'd get up and take her outside.

    Finally, about four or five days ago, I decided that getting the crate training in every day, multiple times per day, was going to happen. And that Kongs were going to get fantastic: stuffed with canned salmon dog food, pureed cooked chicken, hot dogs, etc. For the first few days I didn't freeze them, but now I am freezing them. I also did click for quiet with bits of hot dog and cooked chicken.

    Those first few days she'd get most of the way through the Kong and then start howling, ha.

    I made another big change this week: I got her a Snuggle Puppy, which is a stuffed animal that has a heartbeat module that goes inside it. It vibrates and "beats" like a heartbeat. She sleeps on it in the crate now, constantly. (Ugh, it was $$$! $40 US, to be precise.)

    However, the day before the Snuggle Puppy arrived, she seemed to have turned the corner - we hit an hour in the crate with minimal whining. So maybe it's coincidence, but that thing is staying in there with her now! She does like to sleep on top of my feet/legs, and is super attached, and was never separated from mom or the litter until she got to the shelter, so maybe it is helping?

    Whatever it is, I'll take it! She has done quite a few 2-hour sessions in the crate the past 2-3 days and been mostly quiet. She's run in there to eat a Kong she left in there earlier, and even went in there of her own accord once to take a nap! Last night I used the soft-sided travel crate I have and had her sleep in it next to my bed, and she did! Oh and she also traveled well in it yesterday (vs previously she'd cry in the crate in the car most of the time, and she has to be crated or she'll climb into my lap while I'm driving).

    I am SO RELIEVED. This makes my life so much easier! And that helps me bond with her better. I am so in love with this sweet girl
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Well done.
    Persistence pays off.
    So glad to hear you have got over this hurdle
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Aw, lovely post. Well done to you. It's not always easy, but patience and consistence pays off - as well as loads of kongs ;)
  4. Darben1976

    Darben1976 Registered Users

    Apr 21, 2016
    Great news - the heartbeat thing sounds great, do they not sell them in Uk?
  5. b&blabs

    b&blabs Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2016
    @Darben1976 - looks like they do:

    That's what I got.

    We've had some loud crate times again, but this morning the two of them were overstimulated and my son was getting agitated as he needed to get ready for school and needs his chill time in the morning (can't blame him). So I crated her with a Kong. Minimal whining.

    I also have the crate completely covered now including the front. Made a big difference as I think just seeing me was reinforcing the whining/crying.
  6. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Great news!

  7. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    I put a small clock in a fluffy sock after advice from someone on the heartbeat thing, Rolo seems to have settled in the crate almost instantly.

    I hope this isnt a false sense of security, has anyone ever had it where they seem settled then hate the crate?

    He sleeps in it alot, hes in work with me now asleep in it. He sleeps downstairs on his own in the crate with minimal fuss. He hasnt been left alone of a day in the crate yet for an hour or so, so That may be the test
  8. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Yes, Gypsy grew to dislike her crate, but I still have no idea what triggered it. I got a puppy pen and she was then fine. I've used the pen with my pups since then. With the next pup I'm trying a slightly different arrangement again - a smaller pen but still with room for a bed and space for any night time wees.

    This blog shows you our journey with Gypsy -

  9. Darben1976

    Darben1976 Registered Users

    Apr 21, 2016
    Really enjoyed reading your blog, I'll subscribe if I can, if that's an option. Hopefully pick up some tips ready for getting a puppy in a few months. What a rewarding job being a 'puppy walker', I think the title needs expanding though as it's a lot more than just walking isn't it! Gypsy is gorgeous, she's making me doubt my decision to probably get a chocolate lab (this week chocolate, two weeks ago it was black!lol)
  10. Darben1976

    Darben1976 Registered Users

    Apr 21, 2016
    Thanks that's a good idea, I'll try that if I have problems
  11. b&blabs

    b&blabs Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2016
    The clock is a great idea!

    Bessie's been off and on again with it. She seemed to have settled, but sometimes she's still awful and loud when I put her in. It seems to depend on her mood; if she's sleepy, she'll settle, but if she's wired and I just have to put her in there, she'll whine. It is mostly whining now, but occasionally goes to a howl.

    I'm considering crating her at night, as I think that might help. But it will have to be a different crate anyway, a soft one I can pull down during the day. I have a very small bedroom. Right now I've had to shut the door so that she doesn't leave without waking me in the morning and pee/poop in the living room.
  12. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    It should improve for you hopefully, with a bit of time. They realize you aren't leaving them forever!
    Rolo slept all night for the first time last night and he is downstairs in the kitchen alone. Hope he keeps it up he is in and out of the crate all day whilst being with me and the OH in work so hes pretty used to it now.

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