Vomiting straight after eating

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Lucius Maximus, Feb 16, 2021.

  1. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018

    So Lucius has always had stomach issues since we got him at 8 weeks old when he was so skinny when we got him and anything he ate made him which. Until we tried him on raw and slowly made progress. He's had relapses over the years the last big one had him hospitalised for a day on a drip from dehydration.

    Now over the past few weeks his stomach had more issues. To begin with he was feeling sick (burping up a little bit in his mouth and swallowing quickly and licking his lips) several times a day. And this got worse if we only fed him twice a day.

    So we started feeding him 4 meals (the same amount overall as normal just in smaller portions) to help him feel less sick between meals. Which helped , but then he started losing weight and so the vet recommend a small amount of potato to add to his meal to put weight on. We put one small cube of cooked potato in his meal and he instantly threw it up. And then couldn't keep anything down, even water, for the rest of the night. He went to an emergency vet and they gave him some anti sickness meds which helped him through the night.

    He's had blood tests which came back normal. His stomach on examination by both our regular vet and emergency vet felt nice and soft as it should. And he's in no pain with his stomach.

    Now though he's on some meds for acid reflux which also helps with nausea which helps but he still occasionally throws up his food straight after eating. It's normally only if he gets something extra in his food (we've been trying to get him to put on the kilo he lost during all this with egg or rice or potato)he seems ok in himself but I'm just worried something might be wrong...

    Anyone have any ideas on what's going on? Anyone had similar experiences?

    Sorry for the long post!
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Hi again. Sorry you are having more issues. So are we but I’ll save that for another day when I have all the facts.
    A very long shot but did you ever get that black lump checked out?
    I only ask because MCT’s cause a release of histamine that attacks the lining of the stomach causing digestive problems. An antihistamine and an antacid would be prescribed. If he doesn’t seem distressed it is probably not that.
    Hopefully the vet will get to the bottom of it. Keep us posted.
  3. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Have you investigated megaoesophagus at all? I might be miles out but I had a client with a flatcoat that had a mild case of this and used to throw up wen he ate.
  4. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    Yes, we're thinking it may be a skin tag, he has had two more pop up in the last year, which are on his legs that he chews every now and then but they dont seem to bother him and our vet isnt as worried about them.
    He doesnt vomit every meal either, and only if he eats too much. We're keeping an eye on him for now and will update everyone when we get some answers . Thanks for all the help!

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