hi. some one help me please, my female labrador vulva is swelling for last 12 to 15 days but yet no bleeding. she is showing a flirty behavior but when some dog come close to her, she gets quite. male dog lick her but dont mount her. her age is almost 19 months. what to do ? is it normal ?
My girl has not had a season she was spayed at 6 months old. My understanding is that some dogs have very light bleeding and can keep themselves superclean too so blood isn't sometimes a seen. I think if you run your hand down her back and she "flags" her tail to one side this is the most risky time I would definitely be keeping her away from intact males and be walking her on a close lead. Others will no doubt add more advice. Jac
It could be a silent season, where there is no bleeding. I would though, just take her for a quick check up at the vets to make sure. In the meantime, keep her away from areas where there may be entire dogs to be on the sade side.