I know there are lots of threads around sleep at the moment but .... Poppy sleeps in the lounge from about 8 or 9. I wake her at 1030 and take her out and she does her final wee/poo. When we come back in she goes straight to her crate and settles down. I used to sit with her until she was asleep but I can now leave her and she settles herself. I leave a night light and classic fm on. I started by setting my alarm for 230 to take her out and then again at 630. Each night I've moved the night trip back so to 245 then 3. We are now up to 430 and I am waking her up to go out at this time she never wakes first. Again she goes straight back in her crate and settles herself. So she isn't scared in her crate. And she can cope with being left. But the problem is she wakes at 530/6am every morning. I thought as I moved her night time trip back she would also go longer in the morning. But no. I've tried setting alarm for just before and taking her out but she doesn't actually really need to go and just starts playing. And then she is really hard to resettle. I've tried giving her water thinking perhaps she is waking because she is thirsty. But she wasn't interested. I've tried leaving her to whine but after half an hour she is still going and I worry about the neighbours. So today I came down as soon as she started whining (waited for a pause which usually happens when she hears me on the stairs) and I've just sat by her crate silently and not looking at her. Within 10-15 minutes she went back to sleep. So it's not that she's waking because she's done sleeping. It's just strange because like I say in the night she settles herself fine. But early morning she can't/doesn't. I know 530/6am is not too bad in the grand scheme of things but because I'm up at 430 I don't really get back to sleep for more than half an hour before she wakes. So I'm only really sleeping 11-430 (and I'm someone who needs more sleep then that!) Any suggestions? Should I get rid of the 430 toilet trip and just get her up at 530 and then sit next to her until she goes back to sleep and hope she gets the idea that we aren't getting up until I say so? Or should I keep moving that back by 15 mins as I have been doing and then get up at 530 and just sit by her crate? Could she be hungry? (Ps She is now 10 weeks old)
I don't have too much advice, except if she stops whining when she hears you on the stairs I'd be inclined to think she knows you've reached to the whining in the first place. Could you wait at the top of the stairs for a stop in the whining without her hearing you?
Hi there, If you are getting to 4.30 consistently and you are having to wake her up....I'd move to 5 am and see what happens ,she's still only quite young to go through but she sounds like she's managing ok .....Her waking at 5.30 could be nothing to do with toileting.....it could be a consistent noise,like the boiler switching on ,a neighbours car starting that she's started to associate with the start of the day ....and your appearance! When you don't come she's happy to issue forth a reminder! Is there anything like that you can think of? Try your best not to let her see you until she's stopped her noise,if she sees you and then stops,she has successfully enslaved you
Yes, I would slowly move the toilet trip to a reasonable time - her bladder will be maturing slowly now
As suggested would also move the time slightly up to 5 or 5:30 and see what happens instead of you having to wake her up at 4:30 just try it and see
I never set my alarm for mine, had them in a box by the bed and when they sqeauked took them out and then straight back to bed. In no time at all my last one slept through to 8am
The best thing I did with Luna was have her in the bedroom with me, in her crate! I wouldn't normally have done this, but the house I'm staying in is upside-down and the door to the garden leads off the master bedroom, so it just makes sense. She pretty immediately settled in her crate, where she'd struggled when she'd been in her pen in another room at the house we were previously in. She's learning really well to go through the night and, since I hold no stock in the idea of "start as you mean to go on" in this case, I know that she'll be absolutely fine when we eventually move back home and she has to sleep in another room.