Walking woes

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Deb - Archie's Human, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. Deb - Archie's Human

    Deb - Archie's Human Registered Users

    Sep 25, 2016
    Hi everyone,

    I am so happy to have found this forum! I've enjoyed learning many good tips for things I was wondering by reading through the posts of others. I am hopeful that I can get some help with an issue we are having with our pup.

    Archie is 11 weeks old today and doing well with most early learning. I have been anxious to get him out walking in the neighbourhood as that is something I miss most after losing our old boy, Sam, to cancer. Sam was always a "goer." he was happiest when hitting the trails or walking around the neighbourhood. Archie, however, is happiest at home! I cannot get him to walk on lead AT ALL. He simply plants his butt and refuses to move. I don't want him to learn to pull, nor do I want to have to pull on the lead to get him to move!

    We have tried a harness and a collar. We have tried simply letting him poke around while on the lead. Thing is, he doesn't poke around. He just turns towards home and tries his darnedest to get there. I have tired bribing him with treats and have praised him like crazy when he does cooperate. I am now at a loss. Any ideas of what I can do? Thanks so much in advance.
    Celin likes this.
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Hi there

    He is only 11 weeks old - a total baby. He is just confused, doesn't know there are exciting, enjoyable things to explore on walks. That's all. Plus, he has no idea what he's suppose to do when attached to a human by a lead. It's just not obvious to him! :D

    If you can, I'd take him somewhere he can be off lead. I'm not sure where you are based? If in the US, or another country with leash laws, I do understand that might be difficult. But otherwise, I'd take him to a large park, or Common, or quiet countryside, and just let him wander round with you off lead getting treats for staying by you, and walking alongside you.

    In addition to that, I'd train him to walk alongside you in the garden off lead, getting lots of treats for that being a great, fun thing to do. Then the same down your drive, then try to slip a lead on and get him walking round the house, garden and drive and being happy about it - then a few steps outside and so on like that.
  3. Deb - Archie's Human

    Deb - Archie's Human Registered Users

    Sep 25, 2016
    Thanks, Julie! He's had lots of free range fun as we live in the country. I will work on getting him to walk alongside me as you've suggested. Seems like a great way to lead up to heading down the lane.

    You should see how nicely he walks on the lead once he's headed towards home! I guess building his confidence outside of our home and yard will be key.
  4. jeanine

    jeanine Registered Users

    Sep 24, 2016
    I totally understand your frustration! Our Corona will be 12 weeks and I try at least twice a day, sometimes 3 times a day to get her to be accustomed to walking. At 8 weeks, she seemed more comfortable than she does now, in a way. She would much rather play in the yard, eating anything she can get her mouth on. I can finally just the last couple of days encourage her to walk about 10 houses but sometimes she jumps at the back of my legs, like she wants me to stop or pick her up. And then when I turn around, she grabs the leash and pulls me the whole way back, whimpering at the same time. She is clearly stressing. I've tried to stop and get her to sit or do some other trick, to get her more focused on me, but it doesn't always work. Tonight, I switched it up and changed paths again, but this time to the beach. She played at the waters edge for a bit and left with tail wagging, a sight I was happy to see. I'm hoping that obedience training will help build up her confidence. We start on Monday. I was thinking of trying a harness, but you said that didn't help. At least, I wouldn't be tugging gently at her neck.

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