Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by CDM, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=9483.msg137358#msg137358 date=1421396887]
    [quote author=Oberon link=topic=9483.msg136692#msg136692 date=1421144031]
    Might I suggest Labrador coloured bed linen?

    This is by far the easiest solution... :)

    Whilst she's a puppy it's manageable but not when she's a big and heavy furry girl :-[
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    You get used to it surprisingly quickly... :)

    Now, I think a bed's not a bed without a furry, cuddly, warm, 29kg Labrador on it.
  3. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    Think you have lost the battle! Difficult for you if you have neighbours who would be disturbed if you let her cry it out. Could you not put a bed in your room and then once she is sleeping through the night you could gradually move it away.

    I have had to give in to my nearly 9 year old Lab. Something frightened him over Christmas and he has been in quite a state. Fortunately he has never tried to jump on the sofa or my bed and now sleeps very quietly in a bed in my room. Other Lab still still sleeps on his own in utility room at night.
  4. Wendy68

    Wendy68 Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    See what happens over the weekend when your at home, things may change. I just find its easier to go with the flow, shes still little and finding her feet in life. As she matures her habits will change, and again its easier to just adapt. I know im not working at the moment so its easy for me to say, and i may think differently once ive got a job! Good luck and enjoy your days off!
  5. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    [quote author=JulieT link=topic=9483.msg137373#msg137373 date=1421400661]
    You get used to it surprisingly quickly... :)

    Now, I think a bed's not a bed without a furry, cuddly, warm, 29kg Labrador on it.

    I agree :D
  6. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    [quote author=Stacia link=topic=9483.msg137380#msg137380 date=1421402477]
    Think you have lost the battle! Difficult for you if you have neighbours who would be disturbed if you let her cry it out. Could you not put a bed in your room and then once she is sleeping through the night you could gradually move it away.

    I have had to give in to my nearly 9 year old Lab. Something frightened him over Christmas and he has been in quite a state. Fortunately he has never tried to jump on the sofa or my bed and now sleeps very quietly in a bed in my room. Other Lab still still sleeps on his own in utility room at night.

    This was how it began she was with me, started sleeping well, kitchen she went, all good, sleeping through 10.15pm until 7am!!! This week ..... she slept through once and 3 nights woke me up at 2am and 4am including once last night until she ended up on my bed, I'm so frustrated as I don't understand why she started even night crying?!? I tried her in the crate in my room but she still creates. Even when On my bed she wakes but doesn't bark/ whine just sits quietly.

    Other option is to crate her in my spare room and ignore?! ( upstairs downstairs house so less noise for neighbours) but that's more change ahhhhhhhh we move to a new house that I will own not rent in May and I really don't want her upstairs on new carpets :'(
  7. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    Hmmm you are in a dilemma, for sure. It's hard to know exactly what is going on but likely the change in routine has caused an upset for her, and you getting up in the night of course, as you say, doesn't help, as she has learned that she can interact with you, however briefly, then. What is her exercise during the day like now as compared to before you went to work? What about mental stimulation - training, etc? A tired puppy is a sleepy puppy! Have you any opportunities for doggy day care in your area? Maybe a day or two of that during the week would help?

    You certainly can't continue to go without sleep, for sure. There should be no reason for her to get up to wee if she has been able to do sleep through the night previously. Unless it's a medical reason - have you checked out the possibility of a UTI?
  8. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    I do lots of clicker training with her and during the day she gets 2 puppy visits - one includes a little walk/play and the other she goes to play with other puppies, she's always been sleeping when I get home, so I think in between visits she's sleeping more , today I work from home in the pm and when I got back I could tell she had been asleep most of am, then I took her out for 30 mins for more recall training etc and she slept most of afternoon. Up to some mischief and playing for another hour and she's just gone back to sleep again.

    If she had a uti wouldn't she be weeing lots? She held it 3 hrs this am but she has been a few times this afternoon , maybe I could check it out. She's also scratching her ears so wonder if there's an issue there. She just seems wide awake at night at the minute. Maybe a visit to the vets to check her over?! :eek:
  9. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    Well, it probably wouldn't hurt to have the vet check her over, if you feel everything else has been eliminated. Sounds like she's getting exercise/stimulation during the day...
  10. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    Yes I'll call next week, I've been out for a few hours tonight ( took her for a little walk first and left her with stuffed Kongs) but got back to some whining and now she's running around and around hyper, she' s very lively at night these days! Think I'll try her crate in my room tonight and ignore the crying ( well pretend too !!!!!)
  11. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    So I kept her in my room in her travel crate, she settled well but woke up when I did at 1.30 I let her out, put her back and ignored the whines etc, so she finally went to sleep. When she started barking and whining again at 4am I ignored and 5-10 mins later she stopped, so looks like it's an attention cry so time to ignore and stamp it out. I could here her scratching a bit tho so a trip to the vets I think, as that could be what's waking her up in the first place! :eek:
  12. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    Hope you get to the bottom of it all soon, it's so hard to go without sleep!
  13. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    Thanks ;D

    I got some ear drops from pets at home yesterday as her right ear is quite red and she kept scratching so I thought I would try those first before vet trip, they do appear to be helping as scratching has reduced and ear less red. I've also switched off my plug in air fresher as vet advised my mum to do this when her dog had similar issues with her eyes being gunky etc.

    Last night was better - only one wake up. We went to bed just after 10 ( Bella's travel crate is now back in my room) she woke up at 4am whining and barking a little, I ignored, 5 mins later she went back to sleep. Up again at six for a wee ( I woke her before she woke me) bit more whining when I put her back, but again soon went to sleep until 7.15. Hopefully if I keep persevering the 4 am wake up will soon be a distant memory!!!! :eek:

    I think it might be her itchy ear waking her up, and I reinforced her whining initially as kept going into the kitchen to her ( as I was worried about the neighbours, but they won't here here now she's with me so I can just ignore!). I could be wrong though and might never know!! Just hope 4am wake ups stop soon like the 2am one now has :)
  14. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    Sounds like you are onto something with the ear. Hope the vet can get to the bottom of it, I know sometimes it's tricky to get ear problems figured out as to the cause. Hopefully it's something simple! I'm sure she'll settle back down to a better night time routine once an itchy ear doesn't wake her, poor thing!
  15. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    I feel like I've tried everything. Her ear is ok now, with drops I used but makes no difference re sleep, last night we had barking and whining at 4.45am, 5.30am, and 6.15am, ignoring sometimes works but if it goes on a bit I've now started with a very unfiendly deep voiced 'no' which works but only for a short period of time.

    I have no idea what's going on here, I've never experienced or heard of dogs continually night waking when they were starting to sleep through, she was going 10/10.30pm until 7am before. I was at home with her most of yesterday too so I don't think it's me being back at work. I've started to put a rice bone and chew toy in her crate just to keep her occupied if she wakes up, I heard her chewing on it at 4.30! Is that wrong, should I have nothing in her crate??

    I took her out for a loo trip at 4.45 but I know she can hold on so don't want to start encouraging nightly loo trips.

    Any ideas as to what to do next, she's in my room in her travel crate still as it was too loud when she was in the kitchen and the neighbours wouldn't like it!!!

    If I keep saying 'no' will she eventually catch on?? Why does she not sleep through anymore?? She's 14 weeks tomorrow. :'(

    How long do other puppies sleep?

    She gets lots of play and training and goes to a puppy party every afternoon so she's not under stimulated.

  16. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    I think it started with the ears, then became a habit.

    Now your, rather tough, job is to break the habit.

    I would have nothing in the crate or she'll wake for that.

    I would choose one method and stick to it. My friend had this with her lab Zaba at six months old. She did get it sorted, but it took time (she used ignoring - she would call 'be quiet' downstairs, without going to him. I think that was to let him know he wasn't alone. It worked after a few weeks. I know how hard it was as we looked after him for a few days during that period - torture!)

    I feel for you, there's little harder than lack of sleep xx
  17. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    Thanks for the advice. I don't know whether to just completely ignore and stop with the 'no' or to use a cue eg no/be quiet. She's in my room so knows I'm there and I put a tshirt in there as that can set her off if not but maybe I need to put a new one in each day as the smell goes after a while.

    She also falls asleep about 9 so I'm going to get her up half hour before bed if I can, she usually ignores me!!! And do some vigorous play, already tried that but I'll try again!!!!

    On the positive side she whined at me just now to tell me she wanted a poo which she then did outside! Clever Bella!!!!first time she's alerted me, so I'm hoping she now is mastering the toiliting :D
  18. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    My Bella sleeps on the bed with us....and as a youngster had UTI problems, so we've been struggling with the "how long can she hold it without stressing her healing bladder" versus "really, you're nearly 5 months...PLEASE sleep through the night" ;)

    For the most part, her routine is to wake up once in the middle of the night...I figure I usually have to go...so I toss her outside to go as well. I'm not entirely sure it's a critical need for her at that point...but I'm getting up for myself, so just toss her out to be on the safe side. Generally then when the morning alarm goes off, she is quite ready to go out and do her business. And if she does have a critical need in the middle of the night - she is pretty urgent in waking me up and getting my attention. On the weekends, she is quite happy to tottle back to bed after going outside for her morning business....and if the alarm doesn't go off, she'll sleep later with us too.

    while I'd like for her to sleep through the night entirely...I don't overly stress about it - since I gotta go too! ;D And I'd certainly rather get up with her for a quick potty break than clean up an accident in the house! ::)

    I do make sure that she has lots of stimulation before bed, and a purposeful potty break before we go to bed...and that has made a difference of a midnight wake up and a 4:30 wake up before the alarm goes off at 6....to a wake up about 2:30 and sleep through to either the alarm or when we get up on the weekend.

    Good luck with your Bella too! :*
  19. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    [quote author=sunsetpines link=topic=9483.msg138819#msg138819 date=1421947634]
    My Bella sleeps on the bed with us....and as a youngster had UTI problems, so we've been struggling with the "how long can she hold it without stressing her healing bladder" versus "really, you're nearly 5 months...PLEASE sleep through the night" ;)

    For the most part, her routine is to wake up once in the middle of the night...I figure I usually have to go...so I toss her outside to go as well. I'm not entirely sure it's a critical need for her at that point...but I'm getting up for myself, so just toss her out to be on the safe side. Generally then when the morning alarm goes off, she is quite ready to go out and do her business. And if she does have a critical need in the middle of the night - she is pretty urgent in waking me up and getting my attention. On the weekends, she is quite happy to tottle back to bed after going outside for her morning business....and if the alarm doesn't go off, she'll sleep later with us too.

    while I'd like for her to sleep through the night entirely...I don't overly stress about it - since I gotta go too! ;D And I'd certainly rather get up with her for a quick potty break than clean up an accident in the house! ::)

    I do make sure that she has lots of stimulation before bed, and a purposeful potty break before we go to bed...and that has made a difference of a midnight wake up and a 4:30 wake up before the alarm goes off at 6....to a wake up about 2:30 and sleep through to either the alarm or when we get up on the weekend.

    Good luck with your Bella too! :*

    I feel for you, I can't take this until she's 5 months!!!!! I'm shattered today. She definitely doesn't have a bladder issue she was holding it from 9 weeks. It's defo an attention type cry or just get up I'm awake.

    Should I keep her with me or keep her in a separate room? I thought with me may make her feel less anxious?

    I've decided that any type of attention from needs to stop, even me telling her no, so I'm going to brace myself and ride through the barks and wines solidly next week or so :eek:
  20. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?!

    I think Pippa's got an article that deals with night time crying for attention.

    I think the theory is to convince them that nothing good comes of a middle of the night wake up...you are boring and uninteresting until a reasonable hour. I seem to recall the article talking about setting the alarm to wake them BEFORE they wake...and edging that time up every couple of days...but all with a "I'm totally boring" persona. If she isn't waking because she needs to go potty...then I think I would start to get creative.

    Maybe giving her a small enclosed space with the crate door open...a place where she can get a drink, have access to a quiet toy, so that when she wakes up, she can entertain herself until you're ready to get up. It could be that she's too hot, or too cold, or wants to be on a different sleeping surface... ????

    You just have to decide what you can tolerate versus what she is capable of doing. For me, I tolerate a once a night wake up - cuz I gotta go too! And I accept that as she gets older it should stop....but if it doesn't...I can cope.

    good luck!

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