Water bowl in crate

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Raven12, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Raven12

    Raven12 Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2015
    Hi all,

    Looking for some advice regarding water bowls and crates. Jura (11 weeks old) isn't left in her crate for longer than an hour and a half during the day and is quite happy in there with a kong and stuffed toy, but if I try and leave a water bowl in the crate she growls and barks at it and then tips it up soaking herself and her vet bed!

    I've tried a bowl that hooks onto the side, a non slip one on the bottom of the crate and also one which clamps onto the side but she still managed to pull that one free from the bracket and then spent 10 mins barking and biting at the bracket! She's fine with her water bowls that are in the kitchen and utility room, but immediately tips them up if they are put in her crate as well.

    Any ideas for other options, although she isn't left for long periods I don't like leaving her without water during the day especially in summer - or as near to summer as we get in Aberdeenshire!


  2. murphthesmurf

    murphthesmurf Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2015
    I think it depends on their routine - but I dont leave a bowl for Murphy in his crate. During the day the door to his crate is open, this is situated in our hall, which is then fenced off by 3 baby gates, so he has a bowl in the 'outer' area - Due to a new delight in chewing the wallpaper (!) I will shut his crate door if Im actually leaving the house, but like you this is only ever for an hour tops - so its no worries not having the water - also this helps him to not need wee I guess. If it was a super hot day (we dont get them here) you could always leave a soaked towel in the crate for him to chew and get water from - or could you have a et up like mine, where the crate is within a small area thats secure - people sometimes use the play pens dont they?
  3. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I never left a bowl of water for Juno in her crate when she was little. Like you she was only left for around 1.5 hours so Jura should be fine. I would just make sure that the crate is in a nice cool spot that doesn't get strong sunlight so that room temperature shouldn't be a worry.
  4. BeataK

    BeataK Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2015
    Each of my dogs have a hanging bowl in their crates - I used cable ties to make them safer. Never had any problems :)
  5. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Dexter was never crated with the door shut for longer than 2.5 hours ( this time frame was only on a very few occasions) but I never put water in with him ...so I think your dog will be fine without water for 1.5 hours.When he slept downstairs and was crated all night I never put water in either and he would be in there for 8 hours and not desperate for a drink when I let him out in the morning x
  6. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    As above, mine never had water in their crate overnight or if I popped out in the day. However, it was winter when they were still being crated and I'd feel far less comfortable if I had to crate them during the day without water now it's summer. If it's only an hour and a half, though, I'm sure she'll be fine, as long as she's somewhere as cool and shaded as possible. Also, the frozen kong will help keep her cool - and if it's filled with soaked frozen kibble, there's a lot of moisture in that, too.
  7. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Hi my lastest pup used to do the same thing and I got a very heavy duty masonite pottery dog bowl the beige/brown type. He found it hard to lift and not a much fun as a metal or plastic one so didn't tip it up. They are heavy I was a bit worried he might hurt himself but thought that he could do the same with the metal or plastic ones so I tried it and it worked. I don't think its as much fun as the metal or plastic ones he likes the feeling of chucking them round and the noise they make.
    He does it ocasionally now but it usually when he's too hot and needs to cool himself down or when he has tummy ache. He tips it up then lies down in it mmmmm nice cool belly. He loves just to sit in water and on hot days if i'm out and about at friends or families houses and hes hot he will have a good drink then tip up his bowl and wallow. Messy but it makes him happy.
    I keep loads of vet bed having 3 labs so when it gets wet i just swap round. Its easy to wash and dry and I also cut it down so that it only covers about 2 thirds of the crate. He likes to lie on the plastic too he seems to think comfort is for losers except if its the sofa. I also noticed that he doesn't often drink whilst in his crate prefering the large dog bowl which they all use so I've only been putting a small amount of water in. In the summer I use frozen khongs which are great, but I still leave water.
    I think if he was in for half an hour I wouldn't leave any.

  8. Raven12

    Raven12 Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2015
    Thanks all for the reassurance, really appreciate it. I think if she does have to be left any longer we will look to puppy proof the utility room or try the pottery dog bowl, but for the time being while I'm working from home I'll just leave her without water for the short period that she is left. Certainly doesn't seem to be doing her any harm - she's currently sound asleep after tearing round the garden like a rocket!
  9. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    I give another vote for the Mason Cash bowl. I had a stainless steel one at first for my two, but Shadow was always moving it around, spilling water. He then chewed the rubber ring off the bottom so it made a horrendous noise as it moved around on the kitchen tiles. So I bought a big Mason Cash one (this one: http://amzn.to/1G8TyYF) and it's far superior. They don't move it around and it keeps the water cool for much longer, too. The high sides also seem to stop as much hair and grit getting into it.
  10. Raven12

    Raven12 Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2015
    Popped it into my amazon basket. One last water dish for Jura, who is current looking like a little angel asleep at my feet - well she should be exhausted we've just had a 10 minute stand off in the garden over a dead mouse!
  11. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Hee hee. Dare I ask who won? ;)

    Jura is a lovely name - anything to do with the whisky?
  12. Raven12

    Raven12 Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2015
    Oh that would definitely be Jura - 10 minutes of gleefully throwing a dead rodent in the air and rolling on it, followed by a tasty treat (bribe) of venison from mum to get her away from it, doesn't get any better in 'Jura World'!

    Officially she is named after the Island, though a few more dead mouse incidents and she could drive me to the whisky!
  13. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Yup Mason Cash bowls here after the arrival of Obi spaniel and his penchant for launching bowls round the place. He has a spaniel bowl (wider at the base than the top, harder to tip over and keeps his ears dry!) that goes in his crate if it's hot. Usually he goes without though. He prefers to lay on the plastic base of his crate too! No comfy vet bed for him!
  14. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    There is always a bowl of water in the crate, 24 hours a day - I bought a big heavy one which must hold a gallon. I suppose if I were you, I would take the bedding out during the day and just put a heavy bowl of water in. Do it when you are at home and don't make a big deal of it. Just refill if it's tipped over and keep doing that until your dog wanders off to look for something more fun. I have a fear of Chepi being locked in her cage without water :rolleyes:
  15. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Charlie has the most enormous iron cook pot as his water bowl. Seriously large and heavy. There is no way I would let him anywhere near a ceramic dish - no matter how heavy. *shudder*

    At home, I don't leave him with water in his crate because he is not left long enough for me to worry about it, and always has a drink after his walk and before crate time anyway.

    In the car crate on a hot day (at training etc) I leave water, and just keep mopping up and refilling no matter how many times he tips it over.
  16. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Dead mice yum!

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