At the grand old age of 2 years and 4 months Dexter has passed his Bronze Level Good Citizen Course ;D This has not taken so long because we are so rubbish at basic obedience ( I hope ;D) it's taken me so long to find somewhere that did it....... To celebrate, we accepted an invitation to go and watch a Horse Polo Match .....Dexter was included in the invite There we successfully demonstrated our total lack of obedience ;D ;D No it wasn't that bad!we went with friends who have a very chilled GR....the horses and balls weren't my biggest challenge was people having nibbles and snacks at dog height and keeping an eye on the dogs not getting tangled while the match was on as we secured them on long lines. Dexter was actually very good,but we can definately do much better.....I walked him round the field or rather I tried to walk him round the field but he was horrendous....he could not contain himself that was a disappointment but he lay down nicely on his mat and chewed his kongs and a polo ball we found lying around and that nobody seemed too worried to find.And apart from one big bark at (someone he has met before too) he was nice and quiet.... We were the only dogs there except a little JRT so it was a good time to try it...we'd definately go again .....I enjoyed my glass of wine when we got home though I can tell you! ;D
Re: We passed! Great work! I definitely think the polo match was an even bigger challenge though ;D ;D
Re: We passed! Yay, well done. I don't think he is so old though we have lots of 2 plus dogs in our classes. Silver next
Re: We passed! Congratulations ;D ;D Polo match sounded good and the wine even better, oh the high life your boy lives ;D
Re: We passed! Fantastic Angela, you must be really proud of Dexter... Champagne and polo - you do live the life!
Re: We passed! Congratulations to you and Dexter! ;D I like how you call it Horse Polo. I suppose there is also Camel Polo in Dubai? ;D