Hi there. My pup Beetle is now 16 weeks old and getting bigger. She looks healthy and runs around as normal, plays, runs up to people, chases the cat etc. However, I notice that when she emerges from her crate and when getting up from the floor her back legs drag and sometimes momentarily give way a bit, there are no problems with her putting them right again. When lying on her tummy she always has her back legs splayed out behind her, paws pointed to the ceiling. I thought this was normal for a pup - but I am beginning to be a bit concerned. My 12 year old had terrible back legs so maybe I am being paranoid! Any advice please?
Yes she is stretching, but then the back legs give way after the stretch. She puts them right straight away though.
In my experience of "one" and a borrowed second or third at times, I think that sounds okay for a puppy. Just like human children, puppies are pretty flexible. I wouldn't worry too much at this point, only if back legs are giving away when older. as in at least >6 months.
Pongo still lies like this (and he is over 3 years now). We call it his "spatchcocked Labrador" pose. (OH loves cooking.)
My pup does the same and is the same age. I hadn't thought it was a problem as she is always midst stretch after sleeping when her legs give way so I put it down to just her being a bit sleepy still and her body waking up. I'm not concerned.