Hey guys I am from India and I got a Male Black lab this year 1st of Jan, and life has been great since. However I have noticed that after he turned 4 months his ears have started growing funny, they were classic lab like when he 2-3 months old..I looked up on the Internet and the answer I got was that it something called "rose ears"..is that normal? I got him from a locally well known breeder and have no paperwork, everything else about him is genuine lab like, is it normal for labs to have such ears at times?
Hi and welcome to the forum. This happens occasionally with Labs, from what I've heard. It's nothing to worry about, just adds to his individuality We'd love to see a picture!
All Labradors can hold their ears in a rose petal kind of shape - mine often does. Some ears might sit a bit like that more often than not. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure he's gorgeous! Welcome to the forum What is your dog's name?
Is he teething? Some dogs ears start to stand up a bit when they teeth. As far as I can find, the reason why isn't fully understood. In Labs they generally fall back down but some with upright ears might stay up. Welcome to the board.
Hey there thank you so much for the warm welcome So sorry for not being able to reply earlier, wasn't in town.. yeah I am uploading a pic of him right now
Heya Thank you so much for the warm welcome and so sorry for the late reply, wasn't in town..yup I am uploading a picture of him asap He is 5 months old now Just a question..how exactly do we upload pics here? I cannot find a tab..
I've got a one year old with this I've only just realised! Until last week I thought she was holding her ears back (just to annoy me) Over the years we've had maybe a dozen Labradors through our doors and she's the first one who's had it. Doe's anybody know if it's possible to correct? She looks like a pit-bull!!!!
Gosh Willow is cute! My first reaction when I saw the title of this thread was "They work?" lol. We often joke with the vet that we would love a pair of ears for Harley that work. Hers are brand new, never been used
Hey guys, meet Jackie, hes a good boy.Lately I am worried about his Ears getting all funny. He is a cross breed though but his parents had their ears correct.Sometimes his ears get right but mostly they are not like they are suppose to be and its been a month not since and I see only funny looking ears.Is their a solution to it? Here some pictures of him. https://ibb.co/mVSEDS https://ibb.co/duF1tS https://ibb.co/bOHgtS https://ibb.co/b9c37n
Hi and welcome! What exactly do you think is wrong with Jackie's ears? He looks very handsome in all your photos and his ears look perfectly normal to me. Even if they didn't, if he is crossbreed, there's no standard to adhere to and they are going to be his own unique ears anyway. He looks like maybe he's got some Doberman mixed in? In that case, it might help you feel better to look online for pics of Dobie pups with natural ears. They go through a lot of changes before they settle in as adults. If you are really concerned, I'd say just wait a while and see (1) how they grow and (2) how you feel about them. I'd be willing to bet that with a bit of time, you will come to love those ears and think everyone else's ears are "not like they are supposed to be".
Jackie's ears are perfect. As Emily says, there is no right of wrong for a cross breed, they are what they are. Coco's ears are odd - in that they are not symmetrical - his right ear has a bit of "missing" cartilage, so that when he's relaxed they hang differently. But perfectly.