Welcome to the puppies board

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by pippa@labforumHQ, Aug 28, 2011.

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  1. Bud Light/Dilly Dilly

    Bud Light/Dilly Dilly Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2018
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thank you so much!
  2. WillowA

    WillowA Registered Users

    Nov 21, 2018
    My 10 week old puppy has just had her 2nd injections and a vet check the vet said her weight is fine but I think she is a bit skinny.
    She is gaining about 1kg a week she is now 4.35kg and is on 4 foils 150g per foil of butchers puppy perfect and 50g of iams.
    She is always hungry she has terrible smelly wind. She has just been wormed and flea treated with a pippet type on the back of the neck she is due a worm tablet in 2 weeks time.
    She is always eating things in the garden I can't feed her anymore as she is on 600g of wet food and 50g of dry.
    She was on dry food when she came but was not thriving she was drinking and peeing every 15 minutes.
    I read a 5kg puppy needs 200g to 400g but I can't feed her any less as she is so hungry
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there, each puppy's needs in terms of volume of food will vary widely from other puppies of the same age. So suggested quantities are only a very rough guide. At ten weeks, 4.35 kilos sounds well within the range of normal and if your vet is happy with your puppy's condition then she probably does not need more to eat.
    Hunger in young Lab puppies is also not a good guide to the quantity of food you need to give. Most Lab puppies I have raised would have eaten far more than they needed and become very fat if I had kept feeding until they were not hungry :). In other words, most Lab pups are greedy!

    If you are able to post a photo of your puppy standing up, we may be able to reassure you that your puppy is not too thin.

    Here are some resources for you:
    Feeding a Lab puppy
    Puppy growth and development
  4. blackmart12

    blackmart12 Registered Users

    Dec 11, 2018
    I have a puppy but now i am frustrated due to its hair. do anyone else have the same problem. I would like to know which vacuum cleaner you people are using for pet hairs especially.
  5. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Labs really do shed a lot! We use a Dyson cordless animal hair vacuum, and a robot vac too! You will probably get lots more helpful responses if you start a new thread on this one too :)
  6. blackmart12

    blackmart12 Registered Users

    Dec 11, 2018
    I have found the thread already made on this topic. Commented on this thread too but the people out there are saying that deebot m80 is far better than any other company it seems like the wrong statement. I think I should go for Dyson cordless that you are also using.
  7. blackmart12

    blackmart12 Registered Users

    Dec 11, 2018
    I have purchased both the deebot m80 and the Dyson cordless after using this for a month will definitely reach to conclusion and will help newbies
    lucy@labforumHQ likes this.
  8. blackmart12

    blackmart12 Registered Users

    Dec 11, 2018
    I have found that Deebot m80 is far better than dyson cordless. By the way thanks for your suggestion
  9. Mikew

    Mikew Registered Users

    Dec 28, 2018
    We took note from my girlfriends parents. They have a collie and use the Gtech Air Ram. Which I have seen in use and it’s amazing. We managed to get the K9 version on Black Friday deals for the arrival of Reggie. He’s only 10 weeks old so not casting a great amount but I’ve seen enough of theirs to know it should be decent.
  10. Dave1982

    Dave1982 Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2018
  11. elisonbold

    elisonbold Registered Users

    Jan 7, 2019
    i have also bought new vacuumm recently, it is amazing.
  12. blackmart12

    blackmart12 Registered Users

    Dec 11, 2018
  13. Tammy Oliver

    Tammy Oliver Registered Users

    Mar 1, 2019
    we are thinking of getting new puppy and thought why not two, i think they would be great company for each other. what are your thoughts on this. and if we get two, should we get them from the same family?
  14. Tammy Oliver

    Tammy Oliver Registered Users

    Mar 1, 2019
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm new to this type of thing, so forgive me if i don't do things right.
    Larry and I are looking to move soon and get a new lab puppy. i was wondering if we shouldn't buy two as they could be company for one another and i have been waiting so long for a puppy that i think it would be great. Are there things we should be aware of when doing this besides doubling up on the loving. Tammy
  15. debs61

    debs61 Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2019
    Hi There! I am new to this forum and to having a lab. He is a rescue and we adopted him at about 10 months, he is 92 pounds and a ball of undisciplined energy! What can I do to calm him down to where he can be trained? He knows sit, but will only do it for a sec! He is about 5' when standing and loves to run through the house, on furniture,coffee table, whatever! He takes any and everything that isn't nailed down! I expect some of this, but for how long? Any Tips?
  16. Nelli

    Nelli Registered Users

    Apr 12, 2019

    Me and my partner is about to getting a puppy in mid june. I have been reading loads and loads of websites, forums, books about raising a puppy as I havent done this before.

    I believe that now I have a good knowledge about it but still feel that what I have planned to do when she is here is might be wrong for the puppy.

    I have a few concern as me and my partner both working full time and to top this up both of us start at 5am. Which I know wouldnt be a problem as the puppy can use to it. Because of this reason we decided not to keep her in a crate as she wont be able to get around, play, eat and have a wee or poo while we are in work. We gonna buy a playpen and will keep her in there until we are away.

    I dont wanna be cruel with her and honestly would break my heart if I would have to leave her alone for 8 hours so I decided that during my hour break Im gonna go home and be with her for about 30-40mins. It would break up her alone time for a bit until my partner arriaves home. So she would be home alone about 5-8am then from about 9-12am. Then we will have the whole afternoon and evening together. Is this too long for her being alone for 3 days a week?

    Also another concern is as we are not gonna crate train her at all Im not sure how the sleeping gonna work. We already decided that we want her to sleep in the bedroom at the bottom of the bed. Ive read suggestions to just put her in a box and she will be fine with it. For me it sounds weird. I was thinking to get her a comfy bed and put it at the bottom of the bed and let her settle into it but then questions came into me. What if she starts walking around instead of sleeping? What if she wont realise that it is her bed and she has to sleep into it? So I kind of understand what the putting her in the box for. Is it like a proper cardboard box like a banana box from which she cannot get out or how I should imagine it? Just wondering if there is any other solution for this?

    Thank you!

  17. Simba2017

    Simba2017 Simba and Minstrel worn out

    Jun 4, 2017
  18. Simba2017

    Simba2017 Simba and Minstrel worn out

    Jun 4, 2017
    Hi Clair
    Hopefully your other 2 labs will help the pup settle.
    I am excited to see your post as we have also decided to add a labrador pup in with our other 2 labs ( Minstrel girl age 7 choc lab, Simba boy age 2 yellow lab).
    We are a bit behind you as we are not due to collect Sirius until 24th May. I can't wait!!!
    Lisa x
  19. epward

    epward Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2019
    Hello everyone. I adopted a 8 week old lab mix 3 days ago. This is our first puppy and did not realize what a little crocodile they can be at this age! I am reading through all the tips I can and hope that we can get through this stage quickly. :)
  20. MomOf2BlackLabs

    MomOf2BlackLabs Registered Users

    Sep 26, 2019
    Southern California, USA
    Hi All!!
    I hope its ok that I joined this board, I live in California. I have spent a few hours reading some of the posts. Pippa you are so helpful!

    We have a 3 year old black English lab, named Elsie and in 2 weeks we will be bringing home a yet unnamed half-brother of hers (same mom). He will be 8 weeks old. We are super excited, and a little scared. My husband is self-employed and will be the daytime caretaker/trainer/dog-parent. I will take the nights. This is going to be quite an adventure for us. We spoil our pets, they are treated as members of our family.

    I think we are prepared. We have:
    • a crate (with a divider) upstairs in our bedroom
    • a crate (with a divider) downstairs in the family room
    • an ex pen that I think we will connect to the downstairs crate in case my husband needs to get some work done, so the puppy can play AND be safe / easily watched in a confined space.
    • a variety of sizes of harnesses. I like the harnesses because I can easily connect the leash, and I think its a good idea to get them use to wearing one.
    • Kongs, chew toys, and lots of nylabones, and piles of other toys
    • his kibble (same brand the breeder is feeding him) that will be used for meals and a portion of it for training
    • puppy pads for in the ex pen - just in case we dont get to him in time while he is playing in there..
    • a big sister who hopefully will enjoy him and show him the ropes.
    Is there anything I am missing?

    He will have his first shots at 7 weeks, then the next set is due at 10 weeks. Do you think I should schedule a vet visit prior to that?
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