No, ladybits are tucked up behind! Luna often gets halfway and stops, half on half off. I think Kate @Beanwood has a photo of Bramble in this position To return to the real world for a second, don’t worry about Maslow, it’s not sexualised behaviour at this stage. Willow did it to her meerkat toy a few times when she was a baby. It’s just pent up energy and enthusiasm they don’t know how to otherwise express. Bloomin’ hilarious but if you don’t want it to persist, best to distract and not make too big a deal out of it.
I distract all humping. It’s not polite, we don’t do it in public after all - well, most of us don’t! But most humping isn’t sexual anyway, it’s part of their play. Keir and Zaba, both boys, don’t hump at all - it’s not a habit they’ve got into. Tatze tries to from time to time ‘tho, but again, I distract her from it. .
The Pig humps (and she is a spayed female). Not often now, but she saves it for special occasions, generally training classes when everyone is looking at us and she is bored, and especially at the end of Kennel Club Good Citizen Exams, as the examiner is giving us a rosette. They are her favourite times chosen for maximal embarrassment.
Oh my god that’s amazing. She jumped the examiner? I suppose a rosette is better than flowers and chocolates!!!
I took Ziggy to daycare when he was 12 weeks old for an assessment to make sure he was sociable (which is was of course!). They let him have a run around with some of the centre's owners dogs, I went away to fill in some paperwork, came back in and he was trying to hump a Great Dane!
Moo would have loved to have been supermodel tall like Pig. She Hated being short didn't sit well with her view of her mighty self
Oban started at 9 weeks on piles of laundry on the floor. I bought him a big teddy bear, bigger than he was at the time, and encouraged him on Poppa. Oban is now 10.5 years old, intact, and has never, ever humped anything other than Poppa. Poppa is washable, can be put away when company comes and has had rhinoplasty and extensive abdominal surgery but survives still.
Hehe, yes, except, if memory serves correctly, Bramble had laid down and gone to sleep half on and half off! Squidge leaves her back legs out behind her, in her best impression of a frog-dog.
My Lucius had a toy fox that he used to hump when he was 8 weeks old. He didn't do it often and the behaviour has not continued. Even as a 6 - 8 month old puppy he only occasionally got humpy, however I have seen dogs become obsessed with humping other dogs, boy dogs or girl dogs it doesn't matter! I'm glad Lucius never humped other dogs to that extent! He does have a thing for two spaniels (maybe its their curly ears!) but I'm glad to say he's far too lazy to do it constantly. Humping as a puppy is normal, Lucius also humped the same vet at his 8 week and 10 week vaccinations. She scolded him and said "this is asserting dominance" Glad to say he's a fairly submissive dog and he is now 3. Even his tiny beagle brother pushes him around and, even though he is definitely bigger, he lets the puppy get his way!