....and it's not pink!!!! (thank goodness). It arrived this morning. We'll go on a walk soon and trial it. We also got a little rabbit skin toy for use as a tuggy reward during flyball. Look away Gundog people, photos of tug of war to follow: Although apparently there is some disagreement over whether it's a tug toy or a chew toy....(please excuse sight of husband's undies on bathroom floor)....
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Looks like Obi's having fun! Let us know how the Safestik works out for you....might get one if I could get my pooch interested in fetch more than he is....
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... obi looks like he is having loads of fun...............lovely photos
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Blue? Blue? What a light-weight.... ;D ;D The tail blur in the picture is a clue to how pleased he is isn't it! Lovely Obi.
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Lovely Obi! (Lovely chair too...) Blue though? C'mon, Obi's man enough for a pink one ;D Tug of War with Rabbit skin? Even I wouldn't tug of war a rabbit skin...! (Although it looks great fun, I'm sure Charlie would love it - arggghhhhh I hear a roar from WGT from 20 miles away.....).
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... am i right in thinking this was the chair obi bust ? seem to remember an old post with a burst chair
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... [quote author=JulieT link=topic=2539.msg25430#msg25430 date=1379055600] Lovely Obi! (Lovely chair too...) Blue though? C'mon, Obi's man enough for a pink one ;D Tug of War with Rabbit skin? Even I wouldn't tug of war a rabbit skin...! (Although it looks great fun, I'm sure Charlie would love it - arggghhhhh I hear a roar from WGT from 20 miles away.....). [/quote] WGT would have a blue fit!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Welcome Obi to the Blue Safestix Club ;D I love that chair too Rachael. Have fun. Helen x
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Obi says he secretly wanted a pink one. Yes, that's the chair he disemboweled some months ago. Now expensively re-upholstered. We have a rule that the dog must stay off it. Obviously. We had a lovely walk this afternoon and many retrieves into the lake for the safestix. It floats, but it's sits very low, so we had a few moments where Obi was swimming round in big circles trying to find it and I'm yelling and pointing "NO NO OVER THERE. IT COST 20 BUCKS YOU KNOW". I'd put up pics but Flickr seems to be having a little sleep. Right now we are driving to Sydney for Obi's dentist appointment in the morning.
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... I love Obi's eyebrows. Do they move independantly when he's thinking? Alfies do! He looks so chuffed with his new toy, he's beautiful.
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Yes, his eyebrows move independently. He always looks a little bit like he's frowning.
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Tug of war???? I'm horrified, Obi!! Obviously, we would never play pulling games with any of our toys... *ahem*
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... I love the colour variation you get through a yellow coat. Obi's eyebrows are a particularly fine example and does Poppy have a sort of dorsal stripe - all lovely !
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Loving all these photo Sam joined the Safestix club some time ago, his is a rather sickly luminous green one , silly me thought it would be easy to track, green on grass ? Wakey wakey
Re: We've joined the Safestix club..... Think I'll have to get safestix for mine. We all ready have the balls and the rings made from the same stuff I call them jelly balls. Might as well get the full house. Obi looks so happy ;D Jen