So.... Eric has had soft poos on and off for a few weeks. He was on medication last week for 3 days. His poo is now normal. Tonight he has been laid on the sofa ( not on his blanket where he should be ) when he suddenly shot up and started rubbing his body against the wall and large teddy we have. The same action he does when trying to get his harness off. He then jumped back on the sofa and scratched for England... a defo poo sign. (he seems confused on how to get out of the living room quickly!) In the meantime I was aware of a horrid stinky fishy smell. While hubbie took him out for poo (normal one!) there is was .... lovely stinky fishy liquid on the sofa I'm presuming this is his anal glands but what I don't know is if this is a problem? Or have we just been very unlucky and this happens more than we know but usually outside just before poo so we wouldn't really notice? He isn't doing anything else like licking his bottom or scooting it across the floor. In fact he seems fine Oh.... and how do I get rid of smell off leather sofa
Yep, anal glands emptying. Delightful, isn't it. I wouldn't worry - this can happen sometimes but usually rarely... Probably the soft poos means that his anal glands weren't releasing their stuff normally while pooping (firm poos help to keep the anal glands working normally) and he just had a bit of a build-up. If he does start showing any signs of discomfort in the bottom region then go for a vet visit, but odds are this will be a rare event. Just one of those fabulous aspects of life with dogs. I've had Obi for 3 years and it's happened twice (both times on our bed!!! Gross). My previous dog never did it at all (in our presence that is).
Huh, makes me feel better about not letting Rocky on sofa sorry, not much knowledge on cleaning the leather, during Rocky's runny poo times, I have thrown so many blankets, my favorite memory foam pilliows, an accent rug I would have got rid of sofa lol. It smells sooo bad, So sorry you are going through it
Could you not ring the vet and ask their advice about how to clean up the mess. They must of come across this problem before. Have you tried baby wipes? That's all I can think of. Sorry.
Have you tried "Simple Solution" it is a spray on enzyne cleaner designed to remove the smell of dog wee.
Hmmm - it may be worth having his anal glands emptied just in case they still have some yukkiness in there - uncomfortable bottoms and a fishy smell are sure signs, I agree. Yes - Simple Solution is great for all doggily body fluid smells. I also use it (let down in water) for swilling Twiglet's spending area too. No smell
I will try simple solution. I used dog wipes (first thing to hand lol) and then soap and water and then a leather wipe i found in the understairs cupboard! I can't smell anything today but I won't be happy until I've cleaned it another 100 times I haven't rang the vet as he seems absolutely fine today. No smell and (it seems) no discomfort. He is also toileting normally I will keep an eye on things and will ring if things don't seem right Thank you all and sorry for the gross topic :/
My mums beagle had the same problem, I think it's more common in beagles but they do have to go to the vets to get the glands emptied which from what I understand involves the vet squeezing them until they empty! Not nice but if you don't get It done then the glands can just leak every now and then sometimes not leaving a puddle just a small drop but the tell tale smell is always there! We used Dettol and simple solution with kitchen roll to clean the leather sofas