There's a good article on the main website on Labrador colours and I found this site which has a great chart - including nose colours! For any aspiring breeders out there!
Re: What colour will I get? I teach biology and we actually use Labrador coat color in a genetics problem for the students to work on. Basically black is dominant over brown and in order to see the black or brown color you need to have a dominant trait for the pigment to be deposited. If the dog is homozygous recessive (has two recessive genes) for no pigment depositing they will automatically be yellow no matter if they carry the black or brown gene as well. So for example. BBDD is black and so is BbDD and so is BBDd and so is BbDd bbDD is brown and so is bbDd BBdd is yellow and so is Bbdd and so is bbdd So for example bbDD x bbDD is always a full chocolate litter. But bbDd x bbDd would be a 3:1 ratio of chocolate to yellow. In the problem we had the kids work on they cross two black dogs with the genotypes: BbDd x BbDd and if they complete the problem correctly then they get 9 black 3 brown and 4 yellow as the ratio. Hope I didn't bore you with genetics...... biorus (bio stands for biology r us means my husband and I both teach biology)
Re: What colour will I get? My husband decided we'd have a black as they don't show the dirt! (He was right) Guide dog pup Fifi is staying with us and I love one of each together! Ebony and ivory
Re: What colour will I get? Nice chart! I like the little coloured diagrams which represent the genes too!! Not boring at all, biorus. Your D symbol for pigment deposited in the coat makes more sense than the E symbol in the article, although I've seen E used before. Really helped clarify things for me.
Re: What colour will I get? That is a cool chart! I worked out that Willow's mum is bbee and her dad must be BBEe. Very geeky, I love it!