Sam is pretty bombproof , never a reaction to gunshot , thunder or anything really except for flies ! if one comes into our sitting room he will quietly get up from his bed and leave the room !
Hehe that's cute! Ella loves chasing flies around the room Ella doesn't like the flywire door on our front door. She insists on running through, on my right hand side (she never walks on the right) as she hates it if the wire touches her!
Hehe that's cute! Ella loves chasing flies around the room Ella doesn't like the flywire door on our front door. She insists on running through, on my right hand side (she never walks on the right) as she hates it if the wire touches her!
Clanking metal is monty's least favourite sound. We had a really old and slightly unreliable stairgate when he was a pup, which for an unknown reason had a metal padlock attached to one of the bars which clanked whenever we moved it.. The gate never fell on him, (though it did fall over ) and he quickly built up an aversion to it, would never touch it and spooked whenever it was moved. We soon swapped it for a newer version, but to this day and sound of clashing metal makes him back away a few feet, saucepans, cutlery etc. Oh, and the vacuum, he retreats to the conservatory which he knows rarely gets vacuumed
Shadow is the same. If anyone ever wants to burgle us when he's home, they just have to force entry with a Dyson.
Ella like to keep an eye on the vacuum. She'll stay in the same room but she'll maintain a safe distance.
Bailey loves the vacuum and the mop! He is terrified of a 5 kilo bag of bread flour I have no idea why
Sky is really spooked by the vacuum cleaner and always has been. She seems genuinely frightened of it but if she is given the chance to go in another room, she won't go. I used to vacuum when she was out on walks but now I just get on with it. With two dogs - twice as much vacuuming needs doing.
Moo is scared of Henry Hoover the one with the eyes.We don't have one it's the eyes she doesn't like. it doesn't have to be on
So so many things, despite our efforts...literally her own shadow, something odd looking at the side of the road (pile of sticks, old furniture, a baby seat), rumbles/certain music on TV, vacuum (not scared at all as a puppy), the convertible roof of OH's car (she won't even walk near the car this year), the elevator at our storage unit (she HATES this place, but has gotten a lot better), lawn decorations. I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting...she has gotten more sensitive as she's gotten older!
Hattie is bombproof, no worries about absolutely anything at all except she does not like a door banging in the wind, she will get up find me and stick to me like velcro or go up onto our bed as her safe zone. Charlie is not bombproof, he doesn't like people shouting, pans dropping, the clothes airer being moved suddently plus other things. However I can hoover right round his bed with him asleep and he doesn't bat an eyelid, he's not bothered by the lawnmower, strimmer, fireworks or gunshot. We have had major roadworks in our village for weeks so lots of close encounters with diggers, kangols, drills, circular saws, lots of workmen etc. etc. walking within inches of it all and not a peep out of either of them, so figure that out! x
Molly is awful about barking when anyone comes near the car when we pull up to park. I'm not sure if she's exactly 'spooked' or just protecting her territory. I've worked hard to stop it but haven't succeeded.
Homer doesn't like it when I empty out the coffee granules from the coffee pot. He jumps up with front paws on the sink and barks viciously. He hates builders noise especially skips being loaded and taken away. The clanging sets him off, tail tucked, passing and scratching, which has been quite severe and difficult with almost every house in our street being renovated in some way. Thunder and fireworks are a big problem too.
Benson and day old chicks! A few of them popped out of the brooder box...I didn't realise Benson was behind me..he looked shocked! Like he was surrounded by aliens... Luckily it wasn't Bramble, she would have been there like the wide mouth frog...all innocent....with her mouth bulging with chicks!
The only time Stanleys ever shown any fear was when we were out walking in the lakes and there was a sheep statue outside a shop that he didn't see until the last minute. He practically jumped out of his skin and all his hackles went up Apart from that absolutely nothing seems to phase him. He doesn't even lift his head for most noises, the Hoover or anything like that. We're pretty lucky with him really - OH likes to say he's rock hard
Cassie rather likes Henry the Hoover, she lives in hope that he'll play with her one day She is slightly spooked by noises that she doesn't know where they've come from, sometimes a pigeon bursting out of a tree will perturb her. And she really, really took against this monstrosity outside Croome Court
Jordy is still very young, but so far been fine with any noises, machinery, trains, most animal, thunder ect... but he really gets spooked by my mums tortoises! When they are still he has a sniff but not to fussed, but when they move me gets spooked, whines, and runs to me!
Coco is very bothered by the hoover. He grabs at it and bounces around it. If you extend the nozzle, well! He goes berserk, snapping and barking at it, but running away too. He appears very frightened of it. He also grabs at the lawnmower in a similar way - are we hoovering the grass?
Vanilla loves the vacuum. She follows me around and will expect you to go under and around her. When we then go under any surface she is right there as to make sure I am doing a proper job.