What to expect at 1-year check up?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by alschwahn, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    We have Aspen's 1-year check up on Friday and it is at a completely new vet that he has never been to before. I am not super worried because he is fairly good at the vet, just pulls cause he wants to smell all the smells, but otherwise didn't seem to have any fear of the last office. I am hoping the attitude keeps up at the new office. He might be getting a couple boosters, and I am wondering, will he really notice the pain of the shots? He hasn't gotten any shots for a really, really long time, and last time he was sooo small but took the shots very well. I just don't really know what to expect. Will they just do a physical examination, check his teeth, ears, weight, etc. like a normal check up? I am assuming I just bring high-reward treats for distractions just in case. Fingers crossed this vet won't push neutering on us. But I am just going to explain our reasons for waiting and I'm sure she will understand!
  2. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    He will get his booster shots which don’t seem to hurt Quinn (who is a pretty big baby) but She gets the kennel cough spray up her nose and hates that (apparently most dogs do). Ours do a full body exam, including teeth, discuss how she’s doing, food, weight, any concerns. We bring a stool sample and also get a nail trim. Our vet does the armpit temperature instead of the bum now because she doesn’t like that either lol
    We also talk about flea and tick prevention and options.
    It’s pretty painless and involves lots of treats! Our vet office is filled with liver treats and everyone gives her some. Sometimes the shots make them a bit tired afterwards but there is no pain as they don’t get shots in muscle like humans do. Good luck!
    alschwahn likes this.
  3. Xena Dog Princess

    Xena Dog Princess Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2016
    Wellington, New Zealand
    Yeah, just the booster shots (my vet doesn't do the up the nose spray unless requested by the owner), weight/teeth/eyes etc. I think they might have checked her joints (just manipulating her legs). A chat about exercise and food. If I recall Xena did yelp at the injections but they're over and done with so quickly, and it hasn't effected her relationship with the vet at all. I don't think they check her temperature at the annual check.
    alschwahn likes this.
  4. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017

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