Hi Guys Ziva was 15 weeks yesterday and last couple days she really starting to go hammer and tongs with chewing on furniture what foods can be put in her Kong ? can they be frozen ? Cheers
There's a post on this exact subject, filled with lots of ideas... http://thelabradorforum.com/forum/need-help-with-your-labrador/labrador-puppies/5323-stuffed-kongs
Hi Marie....I put his kibble in hot water and leave it there to expand for about an hour +/-, then stuff it in a Kong (I have eight of them large size) and close the hole with peanut butter. Then into the freezer and viola! Ready to go into Cooper's mouth when he gets bored or frolicky or when we go out in the car. He used to chew like crazy, but is better now....he is 15 months old. But he HAS chewed mee, chair legs, table legs, sofa, sofa cushions and my recliner! You can also stuff Kongs with cheese, but I dont want to give him too much of it. Also banana....
Yvonne Ziva sound bit like your Cooper as far as chewing me and started on the wallpaper,kitchen cupboards well actually anything that she likes the texture of wood lol house is covered in chilli powder I'v put some wet and dry kibble mixed together tonight and its in freezer as I type she will get later as she just in her crate just now after her Tea never thought of banana 1 for tommorw Cheers
He might like to play with ice cubes too?My boy loved them when he was little,the cold must be soothing and it's a bit of a game chasing them round x
Ah, yes, ice cubes are great! Some people also report good success with either one of those rope toys, or just an old tea towel knotted up, then soaked in water and frozen.
She would love knotted towel infact I just filled freezer with her kong for morning ,facecloths in knots. rubber ring , filled ice cube tray so will try that later if I think back does the cold not freeze their gums which helps take away the pain ? only remembered bout ice cube tray as Clyde loved an ice cube in his day Thanks all brilliant help as always Marie & Ziva
Yes, the cold soothes their gums, which is really helpful when they're teething. Hope you have some luck with your frozen goodies today!
Well Ziva had her wet and dry kibble with little pieces of liver this morning in her puppy kong she had it for 40 min Lunchtime made her dry kibble with mashed banana again had it quite a while but kinda kept giving it up but It was just because stuff was frozen and she could no longer get to it but knife soon sorted that out Thanks