What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Eightytwenty, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. Eightytwenty

    Eightytwenty Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2015
    First question is one of amusement - what's so attractive about my ears? If I pick her up Ember gives them a good lick.

    Second question - how do I use "off" successfully? She's started jumping up and putting her paws either on me or the chair. We've started putting her in her crate while we're eating. However I work from home - at the kitchen table and she will jump up even when I'm not eating. I've been working on the off command with the clicker, but worry that by treating her from here, it's just re-inforcing that she gets a treat for jumping up. I try to say "off" while it looks like she's about to jump as well as to ask her to get down - and click/treat for both.
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Only the very best type of Labrador licks ears (says Charlie, king ear licker) ;D ;D ;D

    What does "off" mean? Keep your feet on the floor or get down from something? It needs to be very clear. Why not just use "sit". So if she jumps up, or might be about to jump up, get her to sit and treat her for that. Then there is no confusion about what she is being asked to do or what she has got the treat for doing.

    If she is pestering you while you work, instead of settling down until you are ready to give her attention, this article might help:

  3. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Oh I just saw the title of your post and knew you would be making a new friend in Julie and Charlie immediately x
    Welcome to the forum...Dexter is 2.7 yrs old and he does like an ear lick.....and face and mouth and legs when I've been running.He is the 4 legged love of my life but I don't let him face lick me....I just don't like it :-[
    To my way if thinking if you c&t when she has got down and has paws on the floor you are rewarding the 'off' not the 'jump' ...she will get it
    Lovely to met you on the forum....
    Have you visited Intosmto tell us a it more about Ember?ill nip over there now to see x
  4. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=10763.msg160202#msg160202 date=1430415489]
    I don't let him face lick me....I just don't like it :-[

    I don't either. But my two haven't quite got that yet. They had me pinned on the floor, licking my face all over this morning. When I tried to tell them to get off, I just ended up with a tongue in my mouth!!! I was weak from laughing too hard, but it was super gross, too!!
  5. Eightytwenty

    Eightytwenty Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2015
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Eughhhh to dog tongue in mouth!! Not ready for that!!! Though my 4 year old daughter has just shoved some toilet roll "that was in my bottom" in my face. Is that just as gross?

    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=10763.msg160202#msg160202 date=1430415489]

    Have you visited Intosmto tell us a it more about Ember?ill nip over there now to see x


    Dexter - what's Intosmto? And apologies if I haven't got the insert quote right. Still struggling to get to grips with photos. Though I must try.

    Julie - I will look at the link, thank you. Have been using "Off" as a get down/ paws on the floor command. She does understand sit (unless she's very busy paying attention to something else!), so could certainly try that. She often "sits" when I click - even if I've clicked for something else.
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=10763.msg160202#msg160202 date=1430415489]
    Oh I just saw the title of your post and knew you would be making a new friend in Julie and Charlie immediately x

    HeeHee. Charlie's summer ear lick stall was popular last year....he's thinking of taking on staff, just in case Ember is showing real talent. :) ;D ;D ;D

    [​IMG]P8190967 by julieandcharlie, on Flickr

    [​IMG]get those ears by julieandcharlie, on Flickr
  7. maisiesmomma

    maisiesmomma Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2015
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Maisie also finds joy in licking ears… mostly my boyfriends as I find it absolutely detestable feeling!

    Maisie has an "off" command, originating when she liked to walk all over me on the couch (ok when little, but not so much when she's 30 lbs… can't imagine her being 50-60 lbs right now!) and it basically means "give me space!!!!". Once she knew that, I started saying it as she jumped up, but I don't think it's super effective when jumping up - prefer the ignore/turn around method if she's jumping up on a person. I use a time out cue word (enough) when she jumps up on other stuff - she used to be a horrid counter surfer and a few days of consistent "enough" and if she didn't stop, time outs, worked.
  8. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Juno is happy to lick whatever part of a body she can reach, ears, faces, necks, arms, legs, toes - nothing is safe. She is easily the lickiest dog I've ever had!

    [quote author=snowbunny link=topic=10763.msg160213#msg160213 date=1430417087]
    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=10763.msg160202#msg160202 date=1430415489]
    I don't let him face lick me....I just don't like it :-[

    I don't either. But my two haven't quite got that yet. They had me pinned on the floor, licking my face all over this morning. When I tried to tell them to get off, I just ended up with a tongue in my mouth!!! I was weak from laughing too hard, but it was super gross, too!!
    That sounds familiar - the more I laugh, the Juno licks.

    [quote author=Eightytwenty link=topic=10763.msg160217#msg160217 date=1430417985]
    Eughhhh to dog tongue in mouth!! Not ready for that!!! Though my 4 year old daughter has just shoved some toilet roll "that was in my bottom" in my face. Is that just as gross?

    That is gross ;D
  9. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Bella loves a good ear lick and nibble, and a post shower lick and a face and hand lick... Any lick really ha , it's cute but gross at the same time. I'm the only chosen person for a good ear lick tho :)
  10. Kirriegirl

    Kirriegirl Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2014
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Mira loves ears too. I know how a Kong must feel :eek:
    Once got my tongue licked - eeugh :p
  11. Eightytwenty

    Eightytwenty Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2015
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?


    Not one of ear licking - but just trying to come to terms with photo-posting
  12. Eightytwenty

    Eightytwenty Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2015
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    mmmm what did I do wrong I wonder? This was supposed to be a link to a dropbox photo...
  13. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Dropbox is a bit tricky for pics.... I'm not sure that you can add the pic. Maybe try the url tags to insert the link?
  14. bouncer

    bouncer Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2015
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    I have found that "leave it" is a catch all for Tara. If she takes an interest in something she should not - leave it; if she is harassing other dogs - leave it; if she is jumping up anyone or anything - leave it. Seems to work well with her, but many people think I have named her Leave It!
    Also have ear licking, but sometimes concerned where her tongue has been beforehand!
  15. Eightytwenty

    Eightytwenty Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2015
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Oh well, photos officially beyond us it seems.

    She does seem to get leave it most of the time... but she will be able to explore the wider world as of this weekend, so suspect a lot of proofing will be required.
  16. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: What's with the Ear Licking? And how to use "Off" for jumping up at the table?

    Pongo has no interest in ears but has started licking my eyes with great enthusiasm.

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