When can I walk my dog that has had a lump removed from her leg

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by CharlieS, Jan 22, 2021.

  1. CharlieS

    CharlieS Registered Users

    Apr 3, 2020
    Hi, I have a 14 month old labrador that had a lump removed from the side of her front right leg. It turned out to be benign but because of where it is Lexie can get to the wound and keeps licking it so it is healing very slowly. She was spayed at the same time, which she is recovering well from, but information from the staff at the vets regarding when she can be walked again varies so I'm not sure what is correct and wonder what experience and advice others in a similar situation have please. The worst case was 1 month, which obviously is a very long time for a young dog to not be walked and she is going a bit stir crazy already after less than 2 weeks, any help greatly appreciated!
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi CharlieS

    I think you ought to follow your vet's advice. If you are getting conflicting advice simply ask for clarification.

    How can we help? One of my students had to keep her Lab confined for a month. I suggested she teach her dog how to locate a target scent hidden in one of 6 plastic boxes. Labs love searching. It involves the nose. And she gets a treat each time for using it.

    The owner also used a frozen kong to help fill in the confinement. Other puzzle toys.

    Worked on the duration of her stays.

    And went for car rides to see the sights.

    I fully acknowledge that it is difficult to confine a young Lab. Good luck. I am sure other members here will have worthwhile suggestions.
    Joy likes this.

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