When does the biting stop!!!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Holliesmum, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Holliesmum

    Holliesmum Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2014
    Hollie is perfect in every way....apart from when she is awake!!

    The only time she doesn't bite is when she is sleepy :(

    Yelping, telling her no, time out doesn't work.

    Any other advice would be great as she bites really hard at times........actually all the time!!

  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
  3. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    Esther, mine didnt stop until he was 5 months! I have scars on my arms and hands from all the bites.....drawing blood, too. The only thing I found that worked was "time out" in his crate. If you are not crating your pup, then into a room where you can close the door. Leave her in for a few minutes and then let her out...if she continues to bite, into the crate/room again. I would put him in his crate and leave the room. All the other suggestions: yelping, turning your back, chew toys, etc. did not work for me. You will find that, one day, biting will stop....hooray! Good luck.
  4. Looby Lou

    Looby Lou Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2014
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    I did the yelping and time out, but found that immediately removing Barney from play and turning my back in him worked, he hates being ignored. He got better, then I was able to distract him with a rope toy, or by moving my fingers to the gummy part at the back of his mouth and saying 'nicely' while stroking him, he still likes to do this now and suckles/mouths out hands when he Is tired - so sweet! He sucks his tongue when he is asleep sometimes too, just like a baby. He us 16 weeks and stopped biting weeks ago. His brother Jack hasn't really done it at all x
  5. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    The best thing is to find one method that is easiest for you (and all your family members and visitors) and stick to it. Be consistent. The mistake I made with Penny was that I got frustrated when one method didn't appear to be working and tried another one. In the end I think she just got very confused and didn't really know what was correct behaviour.

    To an extent they do grow out of it, but you do also need to put in some training too to teach them an alternative appropriate behaviour - whether that is shoving a toy in their mouth to teach them that is what is ok to bite on, or giving them a time out.
  6. Holliesmum

    Holliesmum Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2014
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    Thanks for the replies.

    She bites ALL the time even when stroking, we have tried a toy instead of fingers, ignoring her, together with the ideas above.

    She is starting to bite really hard, especially me, she lunges at my face.

    To point where she will be in time out all the time :(

  7. Steph

    Steph Registered Users

    Jun 9, 2014
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    Swapping hands, clothes, arms and feet for toys worked to some extent when she wasn't too hyper however time out was our best solution when biting was at its toughest. Unfortunately, we only had the crate as an option (no utility or small room to put her in without risk). Time out in crates are not ideal as these are supposed to be places of safety and comfort but needs must. As well as stoping the biting it gave both of us a few moments to calm down and almost start afresh when she came out after a few minutes. She had quite a few time outs but just a few minutes at a time was enough, and quite often she would fall asleep within those few minutes.
  8. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    I have to say I thoroughly disliked Molly when she was a 4 month old biting machine machine. It is perfectly normal, we humans are not programmed to like being bitten. And little puppy teeth are incredibly sharp.

    I tried the yelping, the turning away and the substitution but nothing worked. Was this dog thick? had I managed to buy the only vicious Labrador in the country? Then suddenly, one glorious day, I realised I was absentmindedly fondling a silken ear and not paying for it in blood she was about 5 months at the time.

    It is horrible while it lasts. Seems to last forever, but it does come to an end.
  9. UncleBob

    UncleBob Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Sep 20, 2013
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    Some context: Whilst it may not feel like it your puppy is actually showing incredible restraint when she bites you - even young dogs have powerful jaws and could inflict a lot more damage if they chose to. So, keep in mind that she is playing, not trying to hurt you.

    We found the most effective treatment was to stand up and turn our backs. It isn't an instant fix but gradually the frequency reduced. One note of caution - be careful to check whether your dog has actually latched on to any clothing before standing up as OH lost a rugby short after standing up and finding that she had a young labrador hanging on for all it was worth! ::)
  10. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    nothing worked for us, we was bitten up to him being 6 month old :(
    once he started to lose his needles we started to say gentle and bless him he was gentle, it will STOP eventually :)
  11. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    [quote author=Penny+Me link=topic=7735.msg108055#msg108055 date=1410204006]

    To an extent they do grow out of it, but you do also need to put in some training too to teach them an alternative appropriate behaviour - whether that is shoving a toy in their mouth to teach them that is what is ok to bite on, or giving them a time out.

    I found shoving a toy in her mouth had an added benefit with Tatze.

    Even now, when over excited in the house, she goes and gets a toy - which is very acceptable behaviour :)
  12. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    When I used to give Penny time outs I just used to shut her out of the room, count to ten and let her back in again, it seemed to be enough for her to realise she had done something wrong - she hated being apart from us so was a very effective 'punishment'.

    Penny used to bruise and break skin every time she would bite us, it was terrible. Just a tip - try to wear long sleeves and jeans whilst your pup is going through this phase. It does get better I promise!!
  13. Suthuncat

    Suthuncat Registered Users

    Jan 6, 2014
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    [quote author=Mollly link=topic=7735.msg108119#msg108119 date=1410212797]
    Was this dog thick? had I managed to buy the only vicious Labrador in the country? Then suddenly, one glorious day, I realised I was absentmindedly fondling a silken ear and not paying for it in blood she was about 5 months at the time.

    lol... so true. i remember that angelic day, as well, with my orion.... hallelujah!
  14. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: When does the biting stop!!!

    The people that get bitten the most are often the 'cuddlers' - those that touch and handle the puppy a lot, carry him, put him on their laps, or sit on the floor with him. Puppies see all these things as an invitation to play - and their idea of playing, is biting.

    It can really transform a puppy, if you can be a bit 'aloof' for a few days. Rather like 'older' dogs who don't want to play. So standing up, is a good idea - it gives the puppy the immediate message that you are not playing.

    It can also help to try doing some clicker training, instead. It enables you to engage with the puppy without being nibbled and shift the focus of your interactions from teeth to brain :)

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