So Kibs has decided that he wants a new puppy playmate.... I wanted to know when is a good time to get a second dog, Kibs is currently 7 months, i wanted to wait till he gets a bit older before introducing another dog the the family, but I don't want the age gap to be that far apart. Ive heard that I should wait till hes about 1 before I get the second so Kibs is a bit more stable and sensible. I guess I wanted to know is it very difficult to raise an adolescent and a pup at the same time?
Oh yes - wait! Tatze was 15 months when our first pup arrived - it was hard work! They both would play all day every day if I let them, I divided the room to give us all time out. I would recommend 2 year gaps.
I'd wait until Kibs is at least 3! I got Betsy when Charlie was 3.5years, and I'd say it's just about ok - although Charlie is a playful dog still as an adult. Charlie is reliable off lead so I can concentrate on the puppy and I don't have to spend as much time training him as the new puppy, he is far from being 'finished' but I don't have to think about managing him when visitors come etc so I can just manage the puppy. Plus, he is no longer as interested in play, so that makes it easier. It's no fun having 2 grown Labradors crashing round the house, so the older dog being old enough to chill out is good.
Benson was just under 2.5 years old. We just (I think..) got away with it. Bramble the pup, now 11 months old though has been delightful to train, we consider ourselves very lucky. Training though, takes a lot of time, as you really need to train separately.
I tend to wait until they are at least 3. You don't want to be in the position of having 2 elderly dogs together. It's hard work and can be heartbreaking
Totally agree with this having had two dogs die within 6 months of each other. It was really hard and a bit like a doggy nursing home towards the end as they both had health problems. It was brutal to lose them both within a short time, so upsetting. I keep reminding myself if this when I think about a friend for Mole, now one. And I think about it often lol! Sam
Our two are really close about 6 weeks apart. We didn't plan on a 2nd pup, but I couldn't leave the little girl in the shelter. It has its challenges but they get along very well and she has a loving home. I had a feeling the former owner beat her from how she was acting and our Vet agreed with me. She is such a sweet girl a bit of toy hoarder at times but we working on that. Jesse our boy is tolerant with her stealing toys and hide them in her crate. My biggest challenges it walking them. I still walk them separately and both whine and bark when I take the other one their walk. We going to keep working and love both more each day.
thanks for the advice I think i'll wait a bit! I'm taking care of Kibs sister Lola this week and as of the first day its been absolutely nuts in the house haha.
Wonderful pics! Always amazes me they don't break a tooth with all that gnashing and clashing. I think we've waited too long. Snowie is 5 and my husband asked me just last night, when I said Snowie wants a puppy: Do you really want to go through the whole puppy thing again? Hmmm Snowie might have to remain an only dog. Unless we get an older dog... I've asked your question (to myself) so many times!!!!!
So I've got two years three months to work on the OH then . Great photos @Jonathan Wang they look like the are having so much fun
As I am picking up a brother for Bear in about 4 weeks (Bear is now 9 months old), I am going to say 9 1/2 months is the perfect age to introduce another puppy (I am known for my optimism).
I really want to rescue a dog. I keep seeing all these things about them being abused and it breaks my heart. I know Stanleys never going to be britains got talent level of training but he's safe and loved and I think he's pretty happy with his little life. So I'd love to give another dog who hasn't had the best start in life some happiness. OH keeps saying no. But I'm working on it!
I'm surprised they dont have any wounds and my furniture hasn't been destroyed yet... i'm guessing from everyone's reaction that this is normal... Last night finally got them to calm down and they passed out at 7. Anyways Day 2 they both seem to have distiguished their place in the house and its much calmer today.
It is normal mine used to fight play like dinosaurs. The main instigator is little moo she likes to wind up all the others and she taught Rory loads if games when he was little. She's old now but she regularly teases Rory until he just squeals at her.
Great pictures @Jonathan Wang and glad your furniture survived! My boy and my sisters boy play like that all the time - there is 10 weeks difference with my boy being the younger one. They both end up soaking wet where they seem to think it vital they hold each other by the neck and slobber they take turns over who is holding onto who! They have a new game this week too - it's called look for Riley's boy bits....he was neutered a few weeks ago and my Bailey just couldn't work out where they had gone so funny to watch