Hiya, yet another pup question.....I really would be lost without you all When do we put Hollie on 3 meals instead of 4? We feed at 8,12,4,8 but she normally turns into a devil dog for 2 hours 6-8 Hubby fed at 7 and she was an angel again? Any suggestions would be great Esther X
Re: When to reduce food We were down to 3 meals at 12 weeks if I recall. Some pups end up with runny poo if they go to larger less frequent meals and take a bit longer to adjust. The 3 meals fitted our lifestyle better at that point and Lilly was fine with it.
Re: When to reduce food Harley went down to three meals at about 13/14 weeks. When you change, keep an eye on their poo as some need to go down slowly.
Re: When to reduce food If on kibble, there's usually guidelines on the packet. I have followed them quite closely. If you feed raw, I wouldn't know.
Re: When to reduce food Bouncer is 8 weeks old & I feed him 3 times a day 60g per meal (on advice from the breeder). His poo is not runny but then again its not hard, soft stools I suppose you would call it. I am still adding water to his meals so this may be the reason for soft poo. I have been gradualy lessening the amount of water I add. I will try tonight to give him his first completely dry meal.
Re: When to reduce food i wager that the mad period of time (6-8) has nothing to do with the food and everything to do with that famous "crazy time" that all labs seem to have in the evening... mine was a downright dervish of play-snapping and hurtling 'round the house and plowing into everyone and everything and knocking over anything that wasn't bolted down..... food or no food!!!! as far as your question goes, we shifted to 3 meals around 4 months old, i want to say... so perhaps thereabouts. just gradually decrease the amount of the feeding you want to eliminate and gradually increase the other meals to compensate.