Willow is 9 1/2 weeks - help and advice needed about biting

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Deanna, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. Deanna

    Deanna Registered Users

    Nov 24, 2018
    We got Willow from the breeder when she was just 6 weeks old she’s a friendly sweet puppy and has all ready learned to sit and go to her kennel and sit. She loves to play and be outside but I am beginning to get concerned about her biting. She makes eye contact with me or my husband when she is bored or wants to eat or go outside and we aren’t doing what she wants and she will just bite us, hard. I feel like this isn’t teething or playing I know her biting when she is playing with a toy I watch her purposely avoid the toy and go for our hand when she is not getting something she wants. I feel like this is because she didn’t have those extra weeks with mom and now we are at a loss of what to do. We’ve tried giving her a toy, ignoring her or stoping play, putting her in her kennel to calm down etc. it seems to be getting worse. Is this something a trainer can help us with we love her so much but we want her to be a good and kind dog. Help.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Deanna and Willow!

    You're addressing the problem now instead of waiting for those puppy bites to get stronger and harder, so that's great!

    This guide to why puppies bite and how to manage it might help. And a professional dog trainer will certainly help if you're worried.

    I hope you don't mind, I'm also going to edit the title of your thread to include a little more detail - hopefully that will get the attention of our members who can help and advise :)

    Good luck and please keep us updated on Willow's progress.

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