our gorgeous willow is now 6 montsh old and we are walking her 2-3 times a day for roughly 20-30 mins each time. at a weekend, i walk with a friend who has as lab and sometiems we are out an hour (without realising) but i feel once a week should be ok? at what age can i walk for much longer? a Year? We walk Willow 3 timesa a day as our garden gets very water logged in the winter and 2. i work 9-3 (a friend comes in at 12noon to let her out) so feel she needs a walk am then at 3 and then my husband walks her again at 8 ish. we live right by fields so she is only on a lead for 30-60 seconds each walk
Re: willow now 6 months old - walks As the vast majority of her walks are on soft surfaces, I really wouldnt worry too much about the odd hour, its hard surface walking for prolonged periods that can do damage , so Willow should be absolutely fine
Re: willow now 6 months old - walks Harley is just over 7 months and I walk her for max 20 mins on lead a day, but can be out for 1-1.5 hours in the woods or on a field. I would say your walks with Willow would be fine