Just when I thought Snowie was doing so well. But today I come home from work and he won't get up to greet me, not particularly responsive. My husband had been home all day working, thought Snowie was sleepy, but thought nothing of it until 5pm when he started to prepare Snowie's dinner and he was not interested. Phoned me while I was on my way home. You can imagine how upset I was while driving home. So thankful our vet adores Snowie, took us even though she was about to close, 6.30pm. Spent almost an hour there. She said very difficult to conclude what is wrong. Could be toxicity - epilepsy meds or the human poo he ate this morning (drugs, she said she's had quite a few cases of sick dogs, but not badly poisoned, just not well). Could be neurological - but what cause? Human poo laced with drugs? The allergy tablets I started giving him - with antihistamine (lowers seizure threshold). Could be spinal luxation - slipped disc. She suspects the latter cos his signs are normal (although very low body temp, but can be caused by epilepsy meds) so she gave him paracetamol which she said is effective for nerve pain. 3/4 tablet - slipped it down his throat! So easy, so skilled. Muscle relaxant for later - she asked us first to see if paracetamol has an effect, helps with diagnosis - if he's more comfortable after paracetamol, then more than likely a nerve/spinal issue. Because he's on cortisone - albeit tiny dose for itching - he can't have nsaid pain meds. Can cause gastric ulcers. And other meds don't go with his epilepsy meds. And she didn't want to give opioids cos causes drowsiness and will interfere with proper diagnosis. Oh my word, drugs drugs drugs - can't live with them, can't live without them. She said if he deteriorates overnight (if poisoning), immediately go to 24 hr hospital. Otherwise we see her again tomorrow morning. He's sound asleep now on cushions on the lounge floor. My husband had to carry him from the car into the house cos he would not walk, back legs cave under him and he tightens himself up - vet said looks like he's in terrible pain. I'm guessing it was two things. Sunday I took him to the beach. Took his ball, which I never do. Noticed he twisted funny when he went to retrieve it. Then yesterday he went crazy with excitement cos he sneaked his bone upstairs, which he knows is naughty. Then he tossed it around, grabbed it and flew down the stairs, five or six at a time. I was worried he'd do damage to himself, so I made him calm down. But I think the damage was already done. I'm so depressed. I hope it's just a temporary setback. I hate seeing him in pain and so miserable and not his normal cheerful self. I'm terrified it can get worse.
Oh MF, I am so sorry for all of you. Poor Snowie boy. My heart is so sore for you and OH, the worry must be terrible to live with. I really hope that tomorrow Snowie wakes up a little better. I really am sorry and DH and I are thinking of you all and sending you all of the best. We know how much you love beautiful Snowie.
Oh what a worrying set of circumstances, so horrid when they are in pain and not themselves at all. What a good thing your vet knows him well, does sound like he's in good hands with her.
So sorry to hear this, sounds like you have a less than straightforward process of elimination to go through too. Glad your vet seems on the ball about considering a number of things, hope you get an answer and recovery quickly. xx
So very sorry to read about Snowie, such a dreadful worry for you. How long has he been on medication for epilepsy? When my dog first had phenobarbitone he could barely walk for ten days and then his body became used to it and he was fine. I hope it isn't his spine, poor little chap to be in such pain.
I'm so sorry, it's horrible when they're in pain and we feel so helpless. Do hope he improves overnight.
@MF I am sorry for you worry over your dear boy , its truly horrible when we feel so helpless , shall be thinking of you and hoping for better news tomorrow x
No, no no, poor Snowie. I hope it's something he gets over quickly and back to his normal self soon. Big gentle cuddles for Snowie.
Really sorry to hear that he's not well... I'm sure that with time and further investigation the vet will figure it out.
Fingers crossed that he manages to get some sleep tonight (and you!) and that he wakes up more able to move xx