I am so sorry to read your story about Snowy! Fingers crossed he will be okay soon! He reminds me so of Euan! Thinking of you and Snowy and of course your oh!!keep us posted! Big hugs!
Oh poor Snowie I hope he's feeling much better tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and your sweet boy
Sorry to read this about Snowie - so hope you find out what the problem is and he gets better quickly.
Oh no no, poor Snowie, you must be frantic given his spinal history. Your vet sounds very thorough and clued up so I hope you're all able to figure out what this is.
Just catching up! Poor Snowie, and you must be beside yourself! How is Snowie today? Thinking of you...
So sorry to hear this, you must be worried sick! Really hope Snowy is feeling a little better today. (((Hugs)))
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and words of comfort -- very much appreciated. Well, Snowie delighted us all and not only walked this morning, but also jumped up onto the outdoor coffee table in his excitement, and again jumped onto the bench at the vet's. But this after a night of absolutely no movement, he didn't budge, but he whimpered and was most definitely in great discomfort. Last night he stayed in the lounge where my husband set him down, on the scatter cushions I hurriedly took off the chairs. I managed to push his blankets under part of him so that he wouldn't get too cold on the stone floor (with a thin rug on it). I slept on the sofa, but he woke me up at 3.30am, kind of talking to me, which I interpreted as I want to go outside to wee. I opened the doors and tried to help him up, but he wouldn't get up. My husband came to help, but he wouldn't budge. So we all went back to sleep till 7.30am! Usually Snowie jumps onto the bed to wake us up at 6am. He still wouldn't budge, but I could see he was in great discomfort, definitely wanted to wee and poo, but every time I tried to help him up, he would roll onto his side and give me that look of "Don't touch". Yet he could wag his tail furiously, which was a great relief to me! At least he wasn't paralysed. We were seeing our vet again at 10.45am, so at 10am we brought Snowie some of his breakfast -- as enticement to get up. We didn't want to feed too much in case he required surgery. And his stomach was massive with last night's supper and a few poos needing to come out, plus a full bladder (vet said she could feel it full the night before -- at least his kidneys were working!). He'd had another paracetamol and a muscle relaxant earlier stuffed into fresh melon and mango -- although he found ways to spit out the bitter paracetamol and needed retreating a few times! Anyway, we got him up and I supported him by his harness -- he really did want to get outside. He promptly lay down on the sandy "lawn" (terrible drought). But lo and behold, at the time we wanted to get going to the vet, he got up and polished off the rest of his breakfast and drank a bowl of water. And then trotted down the three steps to the garden and actually LIFTED his leg for 1.30 minutes to make a wee -- very long wee! And then went and squatted and made a poo. And was so excited -- and clearly relieved! -- that he raced up onto the patio, leapt onto the coffee table, and was back to his old self. Such relief. I can't tell you the worry I had the entire night, the tears, the dread. He couldn't jump into the car -- so not all okay. Vet was delighted to see him so well, and he was equally delighted to see her, chatted away to her, bounced around bucking in typical Labrador fashion. She is convinced its spinal, although doesn't rule out toxicity, and says if poison, it would've made its way out of his system this morning, hence his improved behaviour. She took blood to test his Potassium Bromide levels (possibility it can be in the toxic range). But otherwise all signs are normal, body temp is up and back to normal (last night was too low). Recommended he gets laser treatment at the holistic vet, said it does wonders for spinal issues, reduces spasms and pain. Prescribed 3/4 paracetamol tablet 2x daily, muscle relaxant 2-3 times daily -- all for a week. NO exercise for an entire week!! No walks, not even on leash!! Suggested that instead of walks we drive him to a new place, let him out for a 5-min sniff to tire him out, and come home. The week after introduce very short leash walks, and build up from there. She said also better not to treat the pain completely otherwise he can feel fine and race around and do damage. Better that he is a little hesitant, while keeping him generally comfortable. We are home now. He just came over to find where I was sitting, and he is back to walking very stiffly. I was so excited after the vet, but I guess he was going on adrenalin and not feeling the pain. He has just hobbled over to the cushions I put on the ground and he's asleep. Just so weird given his muscularity, his fitness, his joie d' vivre. No-one ever believes this healthy-looking, happy dog has so many health issues!
He's been on Potassium Bromide for 2 years. It did cause hindquarter paralysis after he'd been on it a few months due to the dose being too high for him (although correctly dosed for his weight 4ml/day -- he is now on 1.4 ml/day). The vet is testing his blood levels again, although last Aug his blood levels were perfect. We should know in a week or two -- she wasn't sure how quick the lab provides results.
I am so very relieved to read your post , thank goodness for the improvement , fingers crossed for Snowie , that he can keep on getting better x
Oh @MF, what a roller coaster. I am relieved for you but understand it must still be a worry. Hope he keeps getting better.
Oh lord they do put us through the wringer, don't they? Hope things continue to improve and he becomes less stiff as the day goes on.