@MF I am so sorry to hear about poor lovely Snowie I really hope he is feeling a little better today. Poor you, we are sending you and Snowie lots of hugs and best wishes xxx
I have been so keen to get on the forum for an update but today was not going to play the game. I am so happy to hear that he is in less pain and that you have a little relief! Good, brave boy Snowie!
Just catching up with all of this. So sorry to hear about your situation, sending love and hugs! Thinking of you so much! x
The things they do to our nerves! Wishing Snowie a speedy recovery and he gets back to his normal happy self soon.
Yes, only KBr for epilepsy. His seizures weren't severe or frequent, so the vet said we had time for the KBr to kick in (takes 3 months to reach therapeutic blood levels). Specialist physician vet.
Update: Snowie is vastly improved. I think the paracetamol and muscle relaxant are helping him. I also bought Yunnan Baiyo and sprayed his lower back where he has an existing disc problem - although the vet said it could be a different disc, that he might be prone to degenerative disc disease. The spray is like a sports rub for aching muscles. I've sprayed it on my own back before with excellent results. After rubbing in the sprayed liquid, Snowie seemed even more improved. It was recommended by the holistic vet when Snowie first presented with a slipped disc 1.5 years ago. He is still walking stiffly unfortunately, but oh my word a different dog tonight! I'm ready to collapse into bed but trying to decide whether to sleep upstairs where Snowie will follow me, or downstairs on the sofa to avoid the staircase for Snowie. I am thoroughly exhausted from all the worrying.
It's good to hear that Snowie's improving. I hope you both have a good night, whether upstairs or downstairs.
It was upstairs! And the blighter JUMPED ONTO the bed. It's as if he had been pretending he could not walk! I actually directed him to his own bed and told him to go sleep there. No, he sat at the foot of our bed - usually he waits in any case till we say Okay Hupp! But I didn't last night, didn't want him to feel obliged to jump up. So after a little while he jumped up himself. And jumped on and off a few times during the night. This morning as right as rain. Don't know how we're going to cope with no walks. Except the muscle relaxant does make him drowsy.
Oh gosh, you don't want him to do even more damage to his back. Make him a ramp to get on and off the bed? Is allowed to walk up and down stairs?
My husband and I did discuss getting a step for onto the bed. No space for a ramp unfortunately. I need to talk to my vet about stairs. Our house is full of stairs - two here, three there, most inconvenient! Interestingly the vet office has a steep staircase down to their surgery where they do procedures, take blood, etc, and the vet took Snowie down there yesterday to take his blood. My mind was so full and also exhausted yesterday that that question - about stairs - remained unasked.