Worst walk ever ;(

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Naya, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Every Saturday I take Harley to Snuff Mills for a few hours. It is a walk alongside the river Frome and areas where dogs can go in the water and a wooded area. Up until today I have never had a problem there.

    Today's walk started as usual. We get past the garden area then let her off lead. 5 mins into the walk a young child (about 4 years old) was throwing sticks. Harley went and picked up one of the sticks, was trotting back to me happily when the child ran up and snatched it out of her mouth. Harley then thought it was a game so ran after the child with me also running to catch up to her. Recall wasn't going to work so I didn't use it! Anyway, Harley jumps up at the stick - child has the stick in the air waving it around when all of a sudden the mum yells 'get that dog on a lead, I hate dogs'. Immediately the child starts crying, I grab Harley, put her on the lead, apologise and walk off with Harley.

    Another 10 min walk roughly and Harley was in and out of a shallow area of water playing. I was in the shallow water with her. A family with several children aged 2/3 to 10 ish came past and the older kids went paddling where Harley was, so, you've probably guessed, Harley gets excited, runs round the kids like a looney, splashes them etc then when the kids ran off, Harley followed as they were encouraging her to chase them into the wooded area (I was watching her carefully, ready with the lead incase she got too excited and started jumping up), the children ran to their families, Harley in pursuit, me just being just behind her when a toddler starts screaming coz she has spotted Harley (she was around 50 yards away from the toddler) when the parents start shouting at me to 'control my dog'. Harley had a run up the wooded bank and came down the other side of the family with another dog that was in the woods. I called Harley and told her to sit so I could put her lead on her and she did immediately. I then got a mouthful off one of the parents about letting dogs off lead when families are about!! :mad:
    I did try and explain that it is a dog friendly area and pointed out the amount of dogs off lead nearby. I then got told that if a dog came near them they would kick them.

    I continued walking determined not to ruin our walk. For to an area where there were no families around, only other dogs off lead......I let Harley off too.....she was enjoying running around with 3 other dogs, the owners were talking to me and one said about an issue with some families back down the path, I said I had the same. All was looking good when a parent who had had a go at me before came storming up shouting that I had traumatised her child and she was going to traumatise my dog now. I am so thankful that other owners were around to help and they manage to get her to leave by threatening to call the police.

    After this I really had enough, I was in tears, kept Harley on lead and walked back to the car.

    I feel like our 'fun time' turned into my worst nightmare and don't know what to do about it all :'( :'(
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Oh you poor thing , big hugs , deep breath , and try not to let this one horrible walk spoil your day .
    Lab pups, and adults too , seem to gravitate towards children , I used to have a similar situation at the woods and waterfall when Sam was a youngster , all would be well until a child started screaming or waving toys around and you cant blame a pup for thinking its a game .
    What I did was to avoid areas where they would be loads of excited children , beach for example, whilst Sam was young , not excluding children altogether but avoiding areas where they would be a lot .
    I found that getting Sam hooked on a ball helped an awful lot , I did loads of retrieving games and training with him, which he loves and still does most days, it gave him a focus away from whatever was going on around him . I`ve used this with rescue Millie too , neither of them will even glance at other dogs or children when a ball is on offer so maybe try this with Harley ?
    Its a shame when parents get so paranoid like this, passing on a fear of dogs to their children , but please dont beat yourself up about it , just write it off as a horrible walk and look forward to the next one x
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    So sorry you've had such an awful walk Ternaya. Great advice from Kate, I too keep young labs away from interactions with kids where I can't control the outcome. Try and have your pup trail a long line if there are kids about, so that you can pick up the end and prevent her running after them. The trouble is, small children not used to dogs always run away, and that is irresistible to a puppy.
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Oh my goodness,how absolutely horrible Ternaya,your nerves must have been shot to pieces.Harley didn't do anything wrong at all,she was just being a young dog,enjoying herself in a stimulating environment.I'm not coming down subjectively on dog owners sides but surely if it is a dog and family friendly area where everyone is welcome to use it then there is as much responsibility on parents to educate their children about how to behave when they are around dogs?if toddlers are frightened of dogs and children will get traumatized by them then surely there are a lot more places dogs are banned from that they can choose to use?
    To be shouted at is horrible and I really feel for you,I guess feelings we're running high but it's still totally unnecessary to come after you like that ......
    What to do? I've lamented in Dubai about our rules....dogs on leads in all places at all times ...but I don't abide by it...one answer is my 5.30 am walks to catch the park quiet,that's not appropriate or helpful for you I am know ;D In the evening If the park is empty of children and there are a few nice dogs around,I let Dexter off and always have done but I'm on major high alert for children or dogs we don't know,Dexter will recall from people ( as long as they aren't playing ball games) dogs are not 100% but to prevent getting into the shouted at situation from any parents I call him straight back and put him on the lead until I sure of what I'm dealing with,that's the only thing I can say to you about how I deal with it....puts the onus on me but it's different out here,Dexter shouldn't be free in a public place :(
    Harley is a good pup and I know you've worked on her recall so while she is so young ,maybe use similar opportunities to call her back from a potentially over exciting situation and pop,her on her lead until you get past it.Its great recall practice and the way I look at it is you can't control rude,horrible people you meet but you can manage Harley through training and practice,that's an aspect of these scenarios you do have control over.....you know I'm the voice of inexperience though and live in a very different set up to you so let's see what everyone else thinks.dont lose your nerve though,this has just been a horrible walk and I'm really sorry your lovely walk has been spoiled xxx
  5. UncleBob

    UncleBob Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Sep 20, 2013
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Hi Naya,

    Sorry to hear about your experience today. However, from what you have said, its not a problem with Harley but with people lacking in parenting skills!

    First case - what parent thinks that it is evenly remotely sensible to let a child pursue a dog to snatch something out of it's mouth? That's just plain idiotic and if the child doesn't know better then the parent should be close at hand to monitor the child's activities. "Get some reigns on that kid, I hate kids!" ;) No apologies needed there (not from you anyway).

    Second case - exactly the same as far as I am concerned. Poor parenting - either failing to educate their kids if they are old enough or failing to watch them closely if they are not. "Control yours kids!" followed by a mouthful about not bringing kids out in public if they weren't able to look after them. ;) And anybody kicking my dog would receive far worse in return (I'm not one for starting trouble but once it's underway .... )

    You've probably guessed by now that I would also have traumatised the last individual that you mentioned.

    The sad fact is, Naya, these days there are far more bad parents than there are bad dog owners. They go through school (if they attend that is!) with no discipline because if teachers discipline them that would somehow be infringing their human rights and then go on to have offspring that are even worse than they were! God, I'm turning into a grumpy old git already ::)

    Don't waste any more tears on these muppets - they aren't worth it. :)
  6. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    i was one of them rude horrible people,....i had a very bad fear of dogs, if a dog was within 50 yards of me i would shout for the owner to put it on the lead as i was frightened,.....oh dear how things have changed

    jasper as no interest in people, ....if i see someone who looks like they may be a bit frightened i throw the ball well away from them,,,,,he is more interested in the ball, thank you kate for your tip to me when jasper was young,

    so sorry you have had a very bad experience,....pick your self up,no more tears ;)
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    I really feel for you - so upsetting.

    I think this is quite common though - I got shouted at on my very first walk with Charlie (he was a tiny baby, about 11 weeks) because he approached a boy of about six (which I thought was just absurd, all Charlie did was sniff his shoe). I was pretty shocked. After that, I just don't let him near kids off lead even though he is super interested in playing with them (I forgot to warn my dog walker and he rampaged through a toddler nature walk on Wimbledon Common once :eek: luckily all the kids though it was great and only the teacher minded about the mud), unless the family has a dog with them, and even then I check with the parents. It's just the safest way, kids get dogs excited and then it all becomes difficult.
  8. Fwhitt246

    Fwhitt246 Registered Users

    Jul 13, 2013
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    I'm so sorry about your horrible walk- I would have probably given in and cried the first time someone shouted at me. Some people are such idiots! If someone said they were going to traumatise my dog id see red! I definately agree with what else has been said about people educating their children about dogs etc etc. I haven't had a problem like this yet as for some reason I never seem to be anywhere where there are kids or families! Just take it as an unlucky experience where you happened to come across a load of muppets! :) x
  9. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Ternaya, I too am sorry you had such an awful experience, but like everyone else has said Harley was just being a puppy and you did the right thing by not lowering yourself to the level of these parents and you walked away with your dignity intact. It really isn't worth arguing or entering into any confrontation with people who behave like that infront of their own children, so well done you. I feel sorry for their children as now they will probably always respond to dogs by running, not helpful to anyone. I really hope you are OK. Take Harley to a quieter place tomorrow and regain your confidence and I'm sure all will be fine. Great idea from Pippa about the long line. xxxxx
  10. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    I am so sorry you had such a wretched walk. The problem is that dogs are getting a bad press and parents are instilling fear in their children as well as themselves and very much over reacting. Much empathy from me to you.

    I had the opposite a couple of days ago, was taking Rourke into a hotel (mentioned on another topic!) and a very tiny child suddenly appeared, only about the same height as my dog, went straight into his face, the Mother laughed and I said "my dog has never seen a small child before and he isn't used to them" (fortunately he took it in his stride), the Mother was most apologetic and all ended well. Thank heaven.
  11. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    I can only concur with everything everyone has said already. Try not to dwell on it, neither of you did anything wrong :)

    Leads on for us too as while Riley is used to a toddler, we're already teaching Lizzie what is and isn't acceptable, children are terribly unpredictable and their parents (as noted) often worse. Riley is so stable on his four legs that even when he's being careful it's not hard for him to knock a child over and squealing, running away etc would easily be construed as a game so better safe than sorry.

    Big hugs from us, don't let those awful people get you down :D
  12. Deano82

    Deano82 Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2013
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    What a horrible experience! I know that Nero would have done just the same......he loves everyone we pass on our walks! I have not yet let him off the lead in public places but i know he would have acted the same...

    As for the person who said they would kick the dog if it came near them....now that's something that would really upset me! If anyone kicked our Nero i would return the favour and give them a kicking too! :mad:
  13. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    You poor thing. What a rotten experience :(

    So glad you got the support of the other dog owners.
  14. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Grumpy old Granny here.

    Really sorry that you had such an awful experience.

    I'm with Uncle Bob, lack of parenting skills is an issue here. Unfortunately the children are likely to grow up without a proper respect for, and a fear of animals. My 3 year old Grandchild made a kicking gesture towards my pup from 5 feet away and was told in no uncertain terms that that was not the way to behave. Stupid too as Molly weighs the same as her and is all muscle and teeth!

    Sadly recent events have convinced parents that all dogs only exist to attack their children which is not the case . However, large dogs and young children have an enormous potential for disaster.

    If you don't train your dogs or your children properly be assured that they will, eventually, bite you on the bum.

    Like I said. Grumpy old Granny. But one who has the basic common sense to keep my bouncy five month old puppy on a house line when my Grandaughter is around.
  15. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Thank you so much for all your kind words. It just threw me today as Harley usually walks straight past people (adults and children) and is usually so focused on where I am. I have young nephews and she is brilliant with them and plays really gently with them. She also comes to work with me sometimes especially when I'm working with children and teenagers. They all love her and she always says hello then comes and sits by me.

    As I said we go there every weekend for the past 5-6 weeks. Initially it was only dogs and their owners, but in the past 2-3 weeks more families as sun has been out. But it's strange that even then I've had no problems :(. Need to find other places we can walk that aren't quite as busy, but it's going to be harder as the weather gets better ???

    Think I'm going to buy an extendable lead for places there are lots of screaming children. My hubby is coming out with us tomorrow for moral support :)
  16. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Harley was being a totally normal, people-loving puppy :)

    Unfortunately, some other people are irrational and rude.... You're not, and that's what counts!
  17. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    I've used an extendable lead with very positive effect I would suggest the following though...

    get a tape one rather than a cord one, the cord ones can cut through people and dogs and cause bad injuries. Always lock it off short when there are people or dogs around, they get tangled up easily if you leave them long :)
  18. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Oh Naya, what a horrible, horrible experience you've had!! I was going to take Penny there today if the rain holds off but I don't think I shall bother now!

    Hopefully there were oh that many kids about because it's been half term the last week. If you go next week it would hopefully be quieter, though as the weather gets nicer it may start to get busier!

    Harley didn't do a thing a wrong, and neither did you. You were watching her at all times ready to get her if you thought things were getting out of hand. Unfortunately we can't account for idiots that think it's ok to let their children approach unfamiliar dogs, let alone take something out of its mouth! Harley just thought this was a game as I'm sure she gets played with like that at home. It's the parents fault for not controlling their child better and their horrendous attitude.
    I'm glad you were with the other dog walkers at the end to back you up when that parent came up to you. What a horrible thing to do to a person!
  19. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(

    Thanks for the advice Barbara......I will order one today :)

    Lauren - I'm going back there today around 2-2.30pm as hopefully there won't be so many kids as the weather isn't like yesterday. I need to go back or I will constantly be worried about going there :)
  20. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Worst walk ever ;(


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