Does anyone have experience with (what I believe is called) "carpal hyper-extension"(???) in puppies? We haven't been to the vet or asked our breeder about it yet, but looking (with our untrained eyes) at our 5-month old pup's legs, it seems that he has a BIT of this going on: ... though not nearly as extreme as the above pic. I've been ignoring it, but someone commented at the dog park so I'm paranoid now. He just doesn't quite stand on his 'tippy-toes', rather his legs seem to bend further up at the wrist. Most of the stuff coming up on Google seems to be related to injury, but he hasn't injured himself, and it's the same with both legs. Is this normal, or at least something that might go away as he grows? Or something that we should get to the vet about ASAP, for preventative measures to be taken? I suppose it could be either - but any advice/thoughts/opinions on the issue would be appreciated!
I have no experience of it, but if you could post photos of your pup, it might help out those more knowledgeable members.
Trying to find some with the right angle! Don't have access to my photos at the moment, but here are a couple on his Instagram that maybe give you an idea: and one from when he was younger:
The instagram photos looked okay to me. To my untrained eye. If you are worried, a chat with your vet would be prudent. Well-meaning dog walkers can inadvertently stir things up.
Thanks - that's reassuring for the time being! Re: dog-walker, do you mean this condition can be a result of over-exercising?
I think Jacqui just means that people you meet out dog-walking can worry you needlessly! The photos looked fine to me too, but you could always get your vet to check to reassure you.
Haha, oh I see. Too true! I am a bit paranoid about it now, and I think it's partly from growing up around horses / horse people (obsessed with conformation). Will see what the vet thinks....