I find it very easy to train around deer in deer parks - for a start, you know exactly where they are! That's a BIG advantage. You can get into big trouble if a dog chases them though, so you might want to start on lead/long line.
Well I have actually been to Fountain's Abbey. Absolutely gorgeous and peaceful! I was there a loooong time ago and without a dog of course so can't give you any advice on that aspect of it. But a really lovely place to visit!!
Lisa I am gobsmacked that out of everybody that could have said they had been there ,it was you !!!! That is so funny.... Julie,he will be on lead ALL the time in areas like these..I can pretty much say sadly and shamefully that I will never be able to train the chase out of him....We see deer so rarely where we walk It is MAJOR,MAJOR excitement .If he's away from me I can't even get attention on me...he locks onto them with laser vision and I have seconds to grab him.If I do get him,he's like a leaping dolphin on a lead ...if I can get through to him he's grabby with treats ,completely away with the fairies....so if I can just improve on that like I have with cats and horses I'll be happy.....all I aspire to is to walk by in the vicinity of deer,other animals on lead without looking a total embarrassment .....
I know I keep saying this...but you might be pleasantly surprised! Dogs do get good at what they get to do everyday!
It's many, many years since I visited Fountains Abbey but still have the photos It is beautiful there but dogs have to be on a "short" lead according to the NT