So, six months later and it's our turn for Autumn photos! The overnight temperature dropped to 12 last night so, even though it's going to be 26 today, we had a foggy start this morning. Ella found a giant log to sit on The damp ground was so smelly Recall!
I tried to take Mag's advice and shoot with the dog looking into the sun...I need a little more practice. We were out and about early this Sunday morning because the humans in the family were off to the zoo. You can tell it's autumn by that one tree in the background
Looking good - and of course I approve heartily of the bandana. Scenery in the background is gorgeous, too. Someday I need to brave that long flight and get down there!
Very good effort I'd say, is that with a proper camera rather than a phone? Xena is beautiful, I hope you enjoyed the day out at the zoo.
My phone is a hot piece of garbage, so I always use a small digital camera. It's good enough for my needs, but I wish I had a good camera phone for those moments when I'm out and about!
I have recently upgraded my Galaxy S6 to a S8...terrific camera on both of them. I also have an iPhone (for work) and I have to say my Galaxy Samsung has a far better camera despite the contrary information out there.