Stropy little madame She is having more attitude than normal I just need to come vent my anger on here grrrrrrr she has started to jump up on sofa as of yesterday not only that she gets herself right up on top of windowsill so I lift her down from window sill and say off ,when she jumps up at sofa I say off really deeply well for the last 30 min its been up ,down,up ,down till I went to crab her collar and she has just sunk her teeth into my arm so picked her up and put her in crate for time out few min or 5 done this 4 times already. Now when I mean off Ziva I mean off any one now why she turning on me ??? Am I doing the right thing by saying Off if she doesn't then collar and fiscally remover her Cheers
I am afraid training takes repetition and time. Anyone who says otherwise is probably trying to sell you something.
Thanks Molly It's like I kind of have different dog ,She in her crate just now as I'v come upstairs and she barking and whining the house down in protest no doubt
Oh dear, they can be terrors when they are young. It does get better. Getting her collar, moving her off the sofa and saying off is an way to move her off the sofa - once. But it's not going to stop her getting back up or teach her that "off" means "get off the sofa" and definitely not that it means "get off the sofa and don't get back up". So there is no point in getting cross with her when she doesn't know what off means. Well, eventually she'll get it, or most probably just figure out you get cross if she gets on the sofa so she'll stop doing it. How about training something that is incompatible with her getting on the sofa? Like lie on a mat. She is a bit young to be asked to lie on a mat for long though, so restricting her access to the sofa might be the way to go until she is a bit older. Or, put "off" properly on cue. This means you have to wait for her to jump on the sofa and then lure, shift to reward, and associate the cue "off" with getting down from the sofa. It's probably as easy or easier to teach "touch my hand", "go to mat", "go to bed" or "here" to be honest. Charlie is allowed on the sofa but just not right now. So all I do is put something across it to deter him and drop him treats for being on his mat. It's only been 5 weeks and I don't reckon he'd jump on the sofa now unless I encouraged him.
Hi Julie I don't get cross I stay calm Yes I understand what you mean she maybe not sure of what " Off" means . I think now that she's jumped up once of course its a new game to her aww I like this She has on odd occasion went to come down herself and I'v said "Off" then .I put silver paper down which I didn't think would deter her it did last Lab but as I predicted she just jumped up put it in her mouth and ran off with it . lol lol Restriction I'm afraid is not an option. Will try let her up then as you say lure her when she goes to come down with "Off" what do I do if she just lies down on sofa and doesn't want to move lol lol Cheers
Good luck with it. Restriction is an option - if you wanted to do it (although you might not). My dog has been happily jumping on the sofa all his life and then suddenly, he had to stop. Keeping him on a lead was 100% effective. As was putting footstools upside down on the sofa. It's perfectly possible to do. If she lies down on the sofa and doesn't want to move, get better treats.
I hope I didn't come across as inhelpful and flippant. It really is all about consistency and repetition, which takes time. They all test us. I remember screaming on the inside, but being calm and quiet on the outside. I just have this terrible habit of making jokes (my daughter admonishes me)
Awww Molly please don't think that I'm coming to have a rant I expect you to come tell me honestly huni its fab you cam to help me . Test my patience for sure think a firmer hand is needed thought to be honest as there are lots of issues and I seem to be getting no where seriously this biting has to stop I no last few weeks its been aww puppy nipping or puppy mouthing she not meaning it well I'm afraid to say as of tonight she meant it all right how can I put my hand on her collar and she is going really hard biting constantly at my arms not softly softly she really telling me she the boss and not me if that makes sense. well that's what's coming across I have never in all 3 Labrador s ever had a bad tempered dog as that's how it looks it's her way or no way . Julie T ..... Never thought of (footstool) weel need to be big dinning room chairs was meaning wan't possible as there no where else to sit in house as dinning room chairs are on top of each other as Ziva was nibbling and being leather she was starting to mark them so turned them onto each other and she never touched them since but yes will try tomorrow so were back to cheese then seen as it's her favourite lol lol So if she does get up are you meaning me to say nothing but once she goes down say "off" and give her reward ?? I only don't want her up on sofa just now till after her season as thought it would be little easier if she didn't no how to get on sofa . Thanks
Try not to think about terms such as "boss" in relation to your dog. She is a puppy, doing puppy things such as getting into mischief burning off energy in ways that force you to interact with her, which in her puppy mind, is playing with you. All this on and off the couch is a great game, especially since you get excited too! I agree with Julie that the best way to deal with the specific issue of the couch is to either make it impossible for her to physically get there by putting some kind of block in her way, or by training the "off" cue. One thing that really helped me was to have a training lead on your pup at all times in the house. That avoids you grabbing at the collar which in turn avoids her grabbing you with her teeth. That way as you are training the "off" you can give her a little help in understanding what you want by using the lead if you have to. But the emphasis is on training first and getting her to associate her own, voluntary action with the cue, rather than dragging her around with the lead, which could cause other problems with a negative association with that! In our case my pooch was 10 months old when we got him and very collar-reactive - the main way his previous owners had dealt with his misbehavior was to haul him around by the collar, so any attempt to do that was met by a firm clamp of his teeth around my arm. And yes, he did eventually start chewing on the lead that trailed around after him but I put a metal one on. Which drove me crazy with the sound on our laminate floors but oh well, it didn't last long. I hope this helps. Keep persevering and definitely use the crate for short time outs when you have had enough.
There are loads of ways you can do this - I have just prevented my dog from going on the sofa, and rewarded him for being on a mat. I have never trained "off" because I have loads of other cues already trained that I can use. If I want him to move I can ask him to touch my hand or send him to his mat, crate or bed. Go to mat is such a simple one. If you trained "go to mat" you could just ask her to go to her mat if she gets on the sofa, then you can reward her for being on her mat and in time she will associate her mat with being a great place to be and default to that. You have to reward her generally for being on her mat, not just sofa - mat - reward because otherwise she'll learn that chain gets her the treat. If you want to train off to mean "get off the sofa" then you have to associate the word with her jumping down from the sofa, yes. Put a blanket on the sofa, encourage her up, then encourage her down, and give her a treat (use the treat to lure her at first if you have to do so). Once you don't have to lure her with the treat (so she doesn't see the treat before she gets down), you can start to associate the word "off" with her getting down. You need to associate a word with an action many, many times for it to "stick" and for the dog to get what it means. When you are not training, and you don't want her on the sofa, you just need to prevent her from jumping up. A house line as Lisa suggests is a good idea.
Hi did the treat and " off" today let her up on sofa when she wanted to go cause she just jumps up anyway didn't say anything just carried on with what I was doing walked threw to kitchen and she follwed next time she jumped up I didn't say anything just sat on chair had clicker in hand and treat as soon as she jumped of I clicked and rewarded , she got up later on and I repeated this time when she jumped off I clicked and said "Off" but she never went back up on sofa this aft so see what tomorrow bring s . Thanks Friends
Thanks Lisa I hope so . Not been up so far but was out and about this morning and going out again after 3 so I doubt she will try today but there's always tomorrow