The Strange Things Labs Eat

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by pippa@labforumHQ, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Some of the most visited pages on this forum are about the weird things our dogs eat. Fortunately for the most part without much ill effect.

    Puppies are especially prone to eating sticks, stones and trash generally.

    It’s obviously a topic that concerns a lot of people, and I’ve put some links to threads on the same theme

    You’ll also find some excerpts from related information on the main website below, with links to the articles if you want to read more

    My Dog Ate Chocolate - What Do I Do?

    You are probably here reading “My Dog Ate Chocolate” because you are worried. But if your adult Lab just ate a small square of milk chocolate, or a cupcake with some chocolate icing, there is no need to panic.

    Likewise, if your dog ate chocolate chip cookies, the chances are this is not a medical emergency.

    But if your dog is small, or ate much more chocolate than that, there is a possibility that he or she could need medical attention within the next hour or so.

    Don’t just ignore the fact that your dog scoffed a load of Hershey bars.

    And before you go any further, if your dog just ate dark chocolate, get on the phone to your vet’s office right now and let them know what has happened.

    [Read this article on The Labrador Site...]

    My Dog Ate Chicken Bones - What Should I Do Now?

    Okay - you’ve just googled ‘My dog ate chicken bones’ and you are worried sick. I completely understand.

    First things first.


    Before you phone for an ambulance or take a 90 mph drive to the nearest vet, take a deep breath

    [Read this article on The Labrador Site...]

    How To Stop A Dog Eating Everything He Sees!

    If your Labrador regards much of what he finds on the ground as food, you'll need to know how to stop a dog from eating everything he sees on walks.

    We'll look at different ways to manage scavenging including dog muzzles and training techniques.

    Dogs often do things that humans find disgusting, and scavenging is one of them.

    It's actually quite a natural behavior for a dog, and you can find out more about the origins in Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt.

    In this article though, we are going to focus on the solution. Because scavenging isn't just gross, it can also be dangerous for your dog.

    [Read this article on The Labrador Site...]

    Hope you find those articles helpful - Don’t forget to add the strangest thing your dog ever ate below!
    Stew likes this.
  2. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    My Lucius is actually pretty good with eating things he shouldnt - he doesnt eat anything out on walks or in the house unless its his own treats or food (or if someone feeds him a table scrap - a healthy one like fish or chicken). When he was a puppy he would try to eat leaves but soon lost interest at about 5 months. He's pretty laid back too, and he's 3 years old.

    My beagle, Pup, is another matter! He's eaten a large pebble when he was 16 weeks and had to have surgery to remove it because it got stuck! He's since eaten leaves, attempted to eat sweets on a walk (we corrected him in time) and likes to eat/destroy any/all of his toys (no soft toys allowed round this puppy!) He'll be 1 on July 13th and I'd say he's calmed down some and doen't really eat anything he shouldnt very often, but we still keep an eye on him. Hopefully he wont eat any more pebbles!
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Glad your pup recovered from his op - that must have been a scary experience!
  4. tim meyer

    tim meyer Registered Users

    Feb 6, 2019
    Ruby has started a liking for snails and slugs I try my hardest to stop her
    I assuming they are bad for her ?
  5. Greedyp

    Greedyp Registered Users

    Apr 27, 2019
    My dog ate about half of a prosciutto di Parma! I know that much salt is bad for him- not to mention the nitrates! He has been drinking and peeing like crazy and I hope he is ok. He is a 8 month chocolate labahoula.
  6. lauramcmann1221

    lauramcmann1221 Registered Users

    Jul 18, 2019
    New Mexico
  7. showr

    showr Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2020
    my lab eats cucumbers:)
  8. Fenella Woodus

    Fenella Woodus Registered Users

    Jun 21, 2021
  9. Fenella Woodus

    Fenella Woodus Registered Users

    Jun 21, 2021
    Our puppy loves eating snails too, we're assuming he's got some French lineage!
  10. Annamarie Gebar

    Annamarie Gebar Registered Users

    Jul 4, 2021
    I’m stressed every day trying to watch my 10 week old lab puppy every time I take her out to potty in the yard. She puts everything in her mouth to try and eat! Every time I try to take something out of her mouth she runs away and then chokes herself on a leash. Is a muzzle bad to keep a puppy safe on her potty trips outside? I’m deathly afraid of her eating something harmful!
  11. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
  12. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Lungworm is contracted from eating infected slugs and snails. Make sure your dog stays away from them.
    Fenella Woodus and Edp like this.
  13. DebsLab

    DebsLab Registered Users

    Nov 28, 2021
    One of my labs loved cloth, left wood alone and he loved plastic. Another liked sticks and leaves. . Cloth though was his favorite especially if it smelled like us. Many a baseball hat got chewed and I had 2 robes I forgot I left on the couch. They were spa like robes with hoods and one day I went to put it on and saw the hole under the hood. He had that "not me " look but later pooped with purple cloth wrapped up in it (thankfully) He had one operation for a sock that wasn't passing but we got extremely diligent even when he was older and didn't seem to care as much. It's hard with 3 kids to keep everyone's stuff safe and him, but you learn. Many dogs chew, but not as many ingest but Labs do it more the vet said. Labs are number one, pit bulls, Golden's and beagles in the most frequent list.
    I have a new 8 wk puppy, I am hoping he is not a ingest/swallow type but I have the default of not waiting to find out at least in the house.

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